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When an acidic pH less than 6 changes to base pH which is more than 7, if an indicator is present we can see the color change from acid to base or viceversa

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The change in color in this type of chemical reaction is due to the formation of a new substance with different chemical properties. This new substance may absorb and reflect light differently, leading to a change in color. This phenomenon is often used in indicators to visually show the endpoint of an acid-base reaction.

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Q: Why does a chemical reaction which have occurred between acids and bases change color?
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How can you be sure that at least one chemical change has occurred?

You can be sure that a chemical change has occurred if there is a change in color, formation of a precipitate, evolution of gas, or absorption/release of heat during the reaction. These are all indicative of a chemical reaction where the substances are transformed into different compounds with new chemical properties.

Is hydrochloric acid reacting with sodium hydroxide to produce salt water and heat a physical or chemical change?

chemical as it is a permanent change and looks nothing like the starting reactant!

What are the four occurrences indicate a chemical reaction has occurred?

A chemical reaction can result in any or all of the following: - a change in temperature (up or down) - a change in color - a smell that wasn't there before - the formation of bubbles (indicating the production of a gas) - the formation of a precipitate

If one substance changes color is it a chemical reaction?

Not necessarily. A change in color can be a sign of a chemical reaction, but it can also result from a physical change. To determine if a chemical reaction has occurred, look for other signs such as the formation of gas, precipitation, or a change in temperature.

Why does the change in the color of material indicate that a chemical reaction occurred?

A change in color can indicate a chemical reaction has occurred because the reaction might be producing or consuming a colored compound. This means that the chemical composition of the material has changed, leading to a different color being observed. The new color can be a result of the formation of new substances with different properties than the initial materials.

Related questions

How does a chemical equation show that a chemical reaction has occurred?

A chemical equation shows that chemical reaction has occurred as new substances have been formed from the reagents. A chemical equation has two sides before reaction and after reaction, if there is any change from the before reaction side to the after reaction side, it indicates that a chemical reaction has just occurred.

How we know a chemical change has occurred when burning a candle?

Burning is a chemical reaction, an oxydation.

How do you know when a chemical reaction happend?

You can tell a chemical reaction has occurred if there is a change in color, formation of a gas or solid precipitate, evolution of heat or light, or a change in odor. Additionally, changes in the chemical composition, such as the breaking or forming of bonds between atoms, indicate a chemical reaction has taken place.

When paper changes from yellow to brown in sunlight what type of change occurred?

A chemical change. Color change is a good indicator of a chemical change.

How can you be sure that at least one chemical change has occurred?

You can be sure that a chemical change has occurred if there is a change in color, formation of a precipitate, evolution of gas, or absorption/release of heat during the reaction. These are all indicative of a chemical reaction where the substances are transformed into different compounds with new chemical properties.

When substances are formed that are different from the starting substances has physical change occurred?

No, a physical change refers to a change in the form or appearance of a substance without any change in its chemical composition. If new substances are formed with different chemical properties, then a chemical change has occurred, not a physical change.

When bromine reacts with sodium to form a white solid is it a physical or chemical change?

The reaction between bromine and sodium to form a white solid is a chemical change. This is because the atoms are rearranging to form new compounds with different properties, indicating a chemical reaction has occurred.

How can you tell the difference between a chemical reaction and not a chemical reaction?

A chemical reaction will do the following; Change colour Create smoke A non chemical reaction (Physical Reaction) will do the following; Change State Be able to change back to the original materials

What is the difference between chemical change and chemical reaction?


Is hydrochloric acid reacting with sodium hydroxide to produce salt water and heat a physical or chemical change?

chemical as it is a permanent change and looks nothing like the starting reactant!

Which indicates that a reaction has occurred after one substances has been added to another?

The appearance of a color change, formation of a precipitate, evolution of gas, or change in temperature are common indications that a reaction has occurred when one substance is added to another. These observable changes often signal a chemical reaction taking place between the reactants.

What are the four occurrences indicate a chemical reaction has occurred?

A chemical reaction can result in any or all of the following: - a change in temperature (up or down) - a change in color - a smell that wasn't there before - the formation of bubbles (indicating the production of a gas) - the formation of a precipitate