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For warmth, to generate electricity, to run furnaces and steam trains/road tractors etc.

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3mo ago

Coal is burned to generate electricity in power plants, as it is a convenient and relatively inexpensive source of energy. However, burning coal releases harmful greenhouse gases and pollutants into the atmosphere, contributing to air pollution and climate change.

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Q: Why do you burn coal?
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What if we put coal on ice and burn the coal?

it will burn it would probably burn at first and melt the ice and water does not encourage burning so the coal stops burning

What element in the air is needed for coal dust to burn?

Oxygen is the element in the air that is needed for coal dust to burn. When coal dust is exposed to oxygen and heat, it can ignite and burn.

Do you alter coal to use it?

When you burn coal you are using it not altering it.

How hot does coal burn?

Coal can burn at temperatures ranging from 600 to 1300 degrees Celsius (1112 to 2372 degrees Fahrenheit) depending on the type of coal and the conditions of combustion.

Is coal energy non renewable?

coal is non-renwable because you burn it

How does soot exist in the flame?

When you burn coal.

Could a nonrenewable can be burn?

Coal and oil

Does Johannesburg burn coal for electricity?

Yes it does

How does soot exist in flames?

When you burn coal.

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What happens when coal is burn without oxygen?

When coal is burned without oxygen, it undergoes a process called pyrolysis where it decomposes into volatile gases, tar, and char. This can produce useful byproducts such as charcoal and coal gas, which can be used in various industrial processes.

Which type of coal is used to generate electricity?

Any type of coal can be used for generating electricity. In the Victorian state of Australia they burn black coal. In South Australia they burn brown coal and in some places peat is burnt. When peat is compressed for thousands of years it turns into coal.