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Ionic compounds are comprised of cations and anions. Cations are species with positive charges, and anions have negative charges. There are lots of simple ions (Ca2+ and Cl- are good examples). But it is possible for there to be "Polyatomic Ions", i.e. molecules that are arranged in such a way that they have more or less electrons than there are protons in the molecule, and therefore have an overall charge. So in a compound like NH4Cl, the cation is NH4 + and the anion is Cl-

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Some ionic compounds have more than two elements in their formula due to the presence of polyatomic ions. These ions are groups of atoms that carry a net charge and can combine with other ions to form compounds. The overall formula of the ionic compound reflects the combination of the cations and anions involved.

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Q: Why do some formulas of ionic compounds have more than two elements?
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Is the composition of an ionic compound formed by two or more nonmetallic elements?

No, ionic compounds are formed by the transfer of electrons between a metal and a nonmetal. Nonmetallic elements typically form covalent compounds where they share electrons rather than transfer them.

Which pair of elements is more likely to form ionic compounds?

Elements with a greater difference in electronegativity are more likely to form ionic compounds. For example, elements like sodium and chlorine are more likely to form ionic compounds due to the large electronegativity difference between them, resulting in the transfer of electrons and the formation of ionic bonds.

It is true for all compounds Composition of ionic compounds Which is NOT true of compounds Which is?

The statement that all compounds have a composition of ionic compounds is false. Many compounds can be covalent in nature, where atoms share electrons instead of transferring them. On the other hand, it is true that compounds have a definite composition with fixed ratios of elements and compounds are formed by the bonding of two or more different elements.

Do ionic compounds have molecular formula?

Ionic compounds do not have molecular formulas. Instead, they have empirical formulas that represent the simplest whole-number ratio of ions in the compound. Ionic compounds are formed by the combination of positive and negative ions held together by electrostatic forces.

What do compounds include?

Compounds include two or more different elements chemically bonded together. The elements are held together by chemical bonds which can be covalent or ionic. Examples of compounds include water (H2O) and sodium chloride (NaCl).

Related questions

Is the composition of an ionic compound formed by two or more nonmetallic elements?

No, ionic compounds are formed by the transfer of electrons between a metal and a nonmetal. Nonmetallic elements typically form covalent compounds where they share electrons rather than transfer them.

Which pair of elements is more likely to form ionic compounds?

Elements with a greater difference in electronegativity are more likely to form ionic compounds. For example, elements like sodium and chlorine are more likely to form ionic compounds due to the large electronegativity difference between them, resulting in the transfer of electrons and the formation of ionic bonds.

It is true for all compounds Composition of ionic compounds Which is NOT true of compounds Which is?

The statement that all compounds have a composition of ionic compounds is false. Many compounds can be covalent in nature, where atoms share electrons instead of transferring them. On the other hand, it is true that compounds have a definite composition with fixed ratios of elements and compounds are formed by the bonding of two or more different elements.

Is All ionic compounds include at least two elements true?

Yes, all ionic compounds consist of ions formed from at least two different elements - one positively charged cation and one negatively charged anion. This is what allows them to have an overall neutral charge and form ionic bonding.

Do ionic compounds have molecular formula?

Ionic compounds do not have molecular formulas. Instead, they have empirical formulas that represent the simplest whole-number ratio of ions in the compound. Ionic compounds are formed by the combination of positive and negative ions held together by electrostatic forces.

What do compounds include?

Compounds include two or more different elements chemically bonded together. The elements are held together by chemical bonds which can be covalent or ionic. Examples of compounds include water (H2O) and sodium chloride (NaCl).

Elements on opposite sides of the periodic table?

Elements on opposite sides of the periodic table have different properties due to their distinct chemical behaviors. For example, metals are often found on the left side of the table and tend to be good conductors of electricity, while nonmetals on the right side are typically poor conductors. The transition metals in the middle have characteristics of both metals and nonmetals.

Do chemical compound contain only one element?

No, chemical compounds are made up of two or more different elements that are chemically bonded together. Examples include water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2).

What is formed when elements join together?

When elements join together, they form compounds. Compounds are made up of two or more different elements that are chemically bonded together. This bonding can be either covalent (sharing electrons) or ionic (transferring electrons).

How many chemical formulas are there?

There are countless chemical formulas, as they are used to represent all elements and compounds. The number of possible chemical formulas is theoretically infinite, as new compounds can be created through different combinations of elements.

How do you know if a compound is convlent or ionic?

If a compound is composed of nonmetal elements, it is likely covalent. Covalent compounds share electrons between atoms to form bonds. In contrast, ionic compounds are formed when a metal transfers electrons to a nonmetal, resulting in the attraction between positive and negative ions. The greater the difference in electronegativity between the elements, the more likely the compound is ionic.

What is true about molecular compounds?

Molecular compounds are formed by sharing electrons between atoms, leading to the formation of covalent bonds. They do not conduct electricity in their solid form because they do not contain free ions. Molecular compounds typically have lower melting and boiling points compared to ionic compounds.