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sodium will react with oxygen and kerosene will have no oxygen molecules in it

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1mo ago

Sodium reacts violently with water, releasing hydrogen gas and forming sodium hydroxide. When sodium is kept immersed in kerosene oil, it is isolated from water, preventing the reaction from occurring. Kerosene oil acts as a barrier to keep oxygen away from the sodium, further preventing combustion.

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Q: Why do sodium kept immersed in kerosene oil do not burn?
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Which metal is kept immersed in kerosene for storing?

Sodium is a metal that is commonly kept immersed in kerosene for storing because it reacts violently with water and oxygen in the air. Placing it in kerosene helps prevent these reactions and keeps the metal stable.

Why is sodium kept in oil?

Sodium is kept in oil to prevent it from reacting with moisture in the air, which can cause a rapid and potentially dangerous release of hydrogen gas. The oil acts as a barrier to prevent contact between the sodium and water, reducing the risk of a violent reaction.

Why sodium chloride not kept under kerosene?

It is not necessary; sodium chloride is stable.

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Sodium is very reactive, it can even react with water or air. So for this reason it is only kept in kerosene

Why is sodium kept under kerosene?

Sodium is kept under kerosene because it reacts violently with air and water. Kerosene acts as a protective layer, preventing sodium from coming into contact with air and moisture that could cause a dangerous reaction.

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When exposed to air or moisture, sodium will catch fire and explode. So it is kept immersed in an inert or non-polar solvent (such as hexane, pentane) to prevent its contact with air or moisture.

When Sodium metal kept immersed in kerosene as it catches fire if exposed to air but why is it not kept in water?

Because is reacts with water causing hydrogen to be released and catch fire. Na + H2O = NaOH + H also it will also float on water having a density of 0.98 g/cm^3

Why sodium is kept in kerosene?

Sodium metal reacts violently with water, and is stored in kerosine (for example) to avoid contact with moisture in the air.

What will Sodium must be kept under?

Sodium must be kept under mineral oil to prevent it from reacting with moisture in the air and forming sodium hydroxide. Additionally, it should be stored in a cool, dry place away from sources of heat or ignition.

Why alkali metals are kept in kerosene?

Why. Alkali. Metals are kept. In kerosene

Why sodium is stroed in kerosence?

Sodium reacts violently with water, so it must be kept from getting wet. Kerosene, being an oil, does a good job of protecting the sodium, and it is inexpensive and easy to come by.

Why sodium is not placed in air?

Sodium is not placed in air because it is highly reactive and in the air it reacts with air very violently with the oxygen and burns with explosion. Hence it is always kept inside kerosene