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It has to do with saliva. The main reason, though, is that the temperature of your mouth is hotter than the temperature of your hands, and the melting point of mnms is between those. You can test this by putting an mnm in your hand and closing it, making it heat up and melt in your hand. TY for the update on my answer Pengwer1800!!

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1mo ago

M&M's are designed with a candy shell that prevents the chocolate inside from melting in your hand. The candy shell acts as a barrier to protect the chocolate from the heat of your hands, allowing the chocolate to only melt in your mouth where it is warmer.

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Q: Why do m and ms melt in you mouth and not in your hands?
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Related questions

Who wrote the slogan M and Ms melt in your mouth not in your hands?

The slogan "M&Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hands" was created by Forrest Mars Sr., who was inspired by soldiers eating smarties during the Spanish Civil War.

Who invented melt in your mouth not in your hands M and MS?

The tagline "melts in your mouth, not in your hands" was invented by the Mars Company for M&M's chocolates in 1949. It was created to highlight the candy's unique candy shell that prevented it from melting easily, unlike other chocolate candies at the time.

In what year did M and Ms melt in your mouth slogan start?

The "Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hand" slogan for M&M's began in 1954.

Do M and M's melt in your hand or in your mouth?

M and M's can melt in both your hand and mouth. If the temperature is warm enough the candies can melt anywhere!

When were m and ms most famous'?

M&M candies were developed during world war two because the chocolate carried by soldiers always melted in their packs. So MARS candy company developed M&M's for soldiers to carry that would melt in your mouth and not in your pack. The war was over before they were ready so they marketed them as melt in your mouth and not in your hand.

Why do m and m melt I your mouth but not in your hand?

It melt in your mouth faster than your hand but the fact is it doesn't melt in you hand faster and is because of the outter cell of the m&m candy that cover it all over.

Why was the slogan melt in your mouth not in your hand made up for the m and ms?

The slogan "Melts in your mouth, not in your hand" was used for M&M's to emphasize their chocolate shell coating that prevented them from melting in your hand. This slogan aimed to highlight the durability of M&M's and differentiate them from other chocolate candies.

Who invented M and Ms candy?

Forrest Mars Sr. and Bruce Murrie invented M&M's candy in 1941. They were inspired by soldiers' requests for chocolate that wouldn't melt in their hands.

What was m and m slogan in 1954?

melt in your mouth not in your hand.

What year melts in your mouth not in your hand?


Who uses this slogan the milk chocolate melts in your mouth not in your hand?

Interestingly in the UK that slogan ("Melts in the mouth not the hand") was applied to milk chocolate Minstrels - they were a large globule of chocolate covered in a sugary coating that had a melting point higher than 36oC (normal body temperature) and so didn't melt, whereas chocolate as a melting point a little under 36oC and so does melt, in the hand. I presume the m and m slogan is for a similar reason.

What can make m and ms melt?

M&M's can melt when exposed to high temperatures, such as leaving them in direct sunlight or near a heat source. The chocolate coating on the outside will soften and melt before the inside melts.