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Because for many crops, nitrogen is probably the single most important plant nutrient.

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1mo ago

Farmers add nitrogen to their fields because it is a key nutrient essential for plant growth and is often depleted from the soil due to intensive farming practices. Nitrogen is necessary for the production of proteins, enzymes, and chlorophyll in plants, which ultimately leads to improved crop yield and quality.

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Q: Why do farmers add nitrogen in their fields to make their crops grow?
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Why must farmers constantly and nitrogen when this element recycles naturally?

Farmers need to constantly add nitrogen to their fields because crops remove nitrogen from the soil as they grow. While nitrogen does cycle naturally through processes like nitrogen fixation and decomposition, the rate at which crops deplete nitrogen often outpaces natural recycling, leading to nutrient depletion in the soil. By adding nitrogen through fertilizers, farmers ensure that their crops have an adequate supply for optimal growth.

Why do farmers fertilise their crops using nitrates?

Farmers fertilize their crops with nitrates to provide essential nitrogen for plant growth. Nitrogen is a key component of proteins, DNA, and other organic molecules that plants need to thrive. Nitrates are a readily absorbable form of nitrogen that plants can use to support their growth and development.

Why do farmers use artificial fertilizers?

Farmers use artificial fertilizers to provide essential nutrients to their crops, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which may be lacking in the soil. This helps to improve crop growth, yield, and overall plant health. Artificial fertilizers are also easier to apply and control compared to organic fertilizers.

How do farmers use fertilizers to help their crop yield?

Farmers use fertilizers to provide essential nutrients to the soil that are necessary for plant growth. They help supplement the soil's natural nutrient content, promoting healthier plants and increased crop yields. By applying fertilizers strategically, farmers can ensure that their crops receive the appropriate balance of nutrients to thrive.

Why do farmer need more nitrogen than carbon to grow their crops?

Nitrogen is a critical component of plant growth as it is essential for building proteins and DNA, which are important for plant development. Carbon is primarily obtained by plants from the air through photosynthesis, so farmers generally need to focus on supplying enough nitrogen to support plant growth and productivity. Nitrogen also gets used up more quickly by plants compared to carbon, which is another reason why farmers need to provide sufficient nitrogen for their crops.

Related questions

Why must farmers constantly and nitrogen when this element recycles naturally?

Farmers need to constantly add nitrogen to their fields because crops remove nitrogen from the soil as they grow. While nitrogen does cycle naturally through processes like nitrogen fixation and decomposition, the rate at which crops deplete nitrogen often outpaces natural recycling, leading to nutrient depletion in the soil. By adding nitrogen through fertilizers, farmers ensure that their crops have an adequate supply for optimal growth.

How can farmers grow crops where the soil is so dry?

Farmers can address dry soil conditions by implementing practices like drip irrigation, which delivers water directly to plant roots, reducing wastage. Mulching can help retain soil moisture by reducing evaporation, while choosing drought-resistant crop varieties can also optimize crop production in dry conditions. Additionally, soil conservation techniques such as cover cropping and minimizing tillage can improve soil structure and water retention.

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The farmers and the slaves worked in the fields

What is the advantage of some fertilizers are sprayed over crops by helicopters?

Fertilizers are spread on fields by farmers to help their crops grow.

Why do farmers grow lupins in their corn fields?

Because they are told to by the Government.

What do they ad to farmland to help crops grow?

Farmers usually add fertilizer to the soil to help their crops grow better. Basic fertilizers are a mixture of Nitrogen potassium and phosphate

How did aristocrats use farmers to grow rich?

Aristocrats relied on farmers to grow the crops that made them rich. the aristocrats owned the fields outside the village walls. In these fields, farmers in northern China grew wheat and a grain called millet. In the south where the climate was warmer and wetter, they were able to grow rice.

Why were farmers only allowed to grow little varieties of crops such as wheat?

Because there were only a few scant varieties to choose from for farmers to grow. It's different nowadays, as farmers have far more cultivars and varieties to choose from to grow in their fields.

What is the subordinate clause in this sentence Whenever farmers grow crops insects move in for the feast?

"Whenver farmers grow crops" is the subordinate clause in the sentence. It cannot stand alone as a complete thought and provides additional information about the main clause.

What did tenant farmers grow?

grow crops

What are used by farmers to make their crops grow well?

Fertilisers are commonly used. These are often high in Nitrogen compounds, especially ammonia.

What crops did tenant farmers grow?

Tenant farmers grew a large variety of crops.