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Because it is combined with different substances.

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Elements react differently because of the arrangement of their electrons and their ability to gain, lose, or share electrons in order to achieve a stable electron configuration. This leads to varying levels of reactivity, from highly reactive elements like alkali metals to inert elements like noble gases. Other factors such as electronegativity and atomic size also play a role in determining how an element will react with other elements.

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Q: Why do elements react a different way?
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Will Silver react to other elements in the way similar to Xenon?

Silver is a transition metal and does not react in the same way as Xenon, which is a noble gas. Silver tends to form compounds with various elements by donating its outer electron, while Xenon typically forms compounds by sharing or accepting electrons. Consequently, their reactivity patterns are different due to their respective positions on the periodic table.

What is formed when 2 or more elements react together?

When 2 or more elements react together, they can form a compound. A compound is a substance made of two or more different elements that are chemically bonded together. The elements combine to create a new substance with unique properties.

When will two elements on being mixed together a compound?

Two elements will form a compound when they react chemically to bond together and create a new substance with different properties from the original elements. This usually occurs when the elements have a tendency to gain, lose, or share electrons to achieve a more stable electron configuration.

Does Argon react with any elements?

Argon is a noble gas and is typically unreactive due to its stable electronic configuration. It does not readily react with other elements at normal conditions.

Are compound only form when two or more different elements combine chemically?

Yes, compounds form when two or more different elements chemically combine to create a new substance with a unique chemical composition. Each compound has a specific ratio of elements and distinct properties different from those of its constituent elements.

Related questions

What do elements in the periodic table do?

The periodic table is just a way of grouping elements according to their atomic numbers. It helps scientists to understand why different elements react in different ways.

Why are electrons in an atom involved in bonding?

they have a natural tendecy to become stable that's why different elements under different conditions react to form different elements or compounds.

When two or more different elements react together they form a?

They form a compound.

Why are properties of different compounds so different from each other?

because not all elements and compounds react with each other

Why are the property of different compounds so different from each other?

because not all elements and compounds react with each other

Which describes john daltons observation of elements in any given compound?

One of the best ways to describe John Dalton's observations of elements is that they are made of small particles. The atoms join in simple whole number ratios when the elements react.

Will Silver react to other elements in the way similar to Xenon?

Silver is a transition metal and does not react in the same way as Xenon, which is a noble gas. Silver tends to form compounds with various elements by donating its outer electron, while Xenon typically forms compounds by sharing or accepting electrons. Consequently, their reactivity patterns are different due to their respective positions on the periodic table.

What happens to the properties of elements when they react with other elements?

what happens to the properties of elements when they react with each other element

Would the atoms of one element be all the same or be different?

They are all the same in that they have the same numbers of protons and electrons and therefore react in the same way. However, most elements can have atoms with different numbers of neutrons (isotopes), and therefore different masses.

What is formed when 2 or more elements react together?

When 2 or more elements react together, they can form a compound. A compound is a substance made of two or more different elements that are chemically bonded together. The elements combine to create a new substance with unique properties.

Does Silver would react to other elements in a way similar to Xenon?

No. Xenon is a noble gas, silver is not.

What does neon react to?

Neon does not react with other elements.