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Tetraethyl lead is harmfull for the human beings, though it makes the car enigine more smooth to drive. In an extreme case, it can cause death to a person.

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4mo ago

Tetraethyl lead was phased out of gasoline due to concerns about its environmental and health impacts. Lead emissions from vehicles were found to contribute to air pollution and pose risks to human health, leading to regulations that eventually banned the use of leaded gasoline.

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How can you prevent chlorofluorocarbon?

You can prevent the emission of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) by using alternatives such as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) or natural refrigerants in appliances and air conditioning systems. Additionally, be sure to properly dispose of old appliances containing CFCs and avoid products packaged in aerosol containers that use CFCs as propellants.

Why does the decay chain stop at lead-206?

Lead-206 is a stable isotope, which means it does not undergo further radioactive decay. As a result, the decay chain stops at lead-206 because it does not have any unstable isotopes that it can decay into.

Why do your balls smell like gasoline?

I'm a virtual assistant and do not have physical form, so I do not have any bodily functions or smells. If you are experiencing an unusual smell like gasoline, it could be a sign of a medical issue or exposure to certain substances, and it's advisable to consult a doctor for further evaluation.

Why the mixture stop fizzing when you continued add crushed tables to the acid?

Once all the acid had already reacted with the tablets and produced carbon dioxide gas, there would be no further reaction to lead to fizzing. Adding more tablets would not create additional reactions or more gas generation beyond what has already occurred.

Why does decay chain for radioisotope U-238 eventually stop at lead?

The decay chain for U-238 stops at lead because lead-206 is a stable isotope, meaning it does not undergo further radioactive decay. Once uranium-238 undergoes a series of alpha and beta decays, it eventually reaches a stable isotope of lead, which ends the decay chain.

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When did gas stations stop selling lead gasoline?

US from 1972-1986, Europe 2000

Does gasoline use decimals to the thousandth place?

No. Gasoline is inanimate and does not use decimals. Full Stop.

How can you prevent chlorofluorocarbon?

You can prevent the emission of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) by using alternatives such as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) or natural refrigerants in appliances and air conditioning systems. Additionally, be sure to properly dispose of old appliances containing CFCs and avoid products packaged in aerosol containers that use CFCs as propellants.

Can you over flood an elantra with gasoline?

Unless you stop when the pump stops, it is possible to over flood any car with gasoline.

Which is better leaded gasoline or unleaded gasoline?

It depends what you mean by 'better'. Lead used to be added to gasoline to stop pre-ignition or detonation (which causes engine knock or 'pinking') but it was found to have very bad side effects environmentally and physiologically. most countries have banned the use of leaded gasolines, and modern gasoline have other ways of dealing with detonation. so i guess, unless you like bad air and bad health, unleaded is best.

Why did Chrysler stop making the Concorde?

It wasted too much gasoline.

Should your parents have you on the title of their house to avoid forced sale?

If your parents granted a mortgage and then default on the payments, adding you to the title after granting the mortgage will not stop a foreclosure.If your parents granted a mortgage and then default on the payments, adding you to the title after granting the mortgage will not stop a foreclosure.If your parents granted a mortgage and then default on the payments, adding you to the title after granting the mortgage will not stop a foreclosure.If your parents granted a mortgage and then default on the payments, adding you to the title after granting the mortgage will not stop a foreclosure.

What year did they stop selling leaded gasoline?

Leaded gasoline was phased out in the United States starting in the 1970s, with catalytic converters being introduced in cars in 1975. By the mid-1990s, leaded gasoline was completely banned for on-road vehicles in the United States.

Can you stop a tornado by adding high heat?

No, adding high heat will not stop a tornado. Tornadoes are large, powerful rotating columns of air that form in severe thunderstorms, and their intensity is not affected by external heat sources.

Can you fail a drug test for breathing in gasoline?

Breathing in gasoline? No, but you have bigger problems: Huffing gasoline can make your heart stop...and if you get around an ignition source like a candle or a cigarette, it can set you on fire.

Why is lead used in the walls of x ray rooms?

lead can stop the radiation from getting outside the room lead can stop the radiation from getting outside the room

What does it mean when gas pours out from under the car?

If gasoline pours out from under your car, and you are not in the process if adding fuel, you have a gas leak and should call the fire department and a mechanic who makes house calls or has a tow truck. If you are in the process of adding fuel and the gas pump didn't stop automatically, you may have had your fuel pump replaced with one that did not fit exactly or it did not seal properly to the gas tank.