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On cooling saturated solutions, the excess solute precipitates as a solid. This can take the form of a powder or a crystal structure.

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4mo ago

As the solution cools, the solubility of the solute decreases, which means it can no longer remain dissolved in the solvent. This leads to the excess solute molecules coming together and forming crystals to reduce their concentration in the solution. The crystals continue to grow as more solute molecules join the existing crystal lattice structure.

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Q: Why crystals start to form as saturated solution is being cooled?
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How do you obtain big crystals of blue vitriol from its solutions?

Crystals in general are formed when solutions try to maintain concentrations at or below saturation. For example, a saturated sugar solution forms crystals when water from the solution evaporates and leaves excess sugar behind. Since supersaturation is a highly unstable and thus undesirable state of being for a solution, the dissolved sugar left behind will clump together at sites of nucleation to let the remaining solution remain below supersaturation. Crystals will continue to grow as long as the concentration of solutes in the solution can increase above saturation. To grow large blue vitriol crystals, one can simply prepare a saturated solution in a large container and let it sit undisturbed for as long as possible while evaporating steadily, removing the crystals when they are a satisfactory size or before the solution dries up entirely.

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Yes it will produce condensation

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What is the relationship between solute solvent solution saturated unsaturated and supersaturated?

A solute is a substance that is dissolved in a solvent to form a solution. If a solution contains the maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved at a given temperature, it is saturated. If it contains less than the maximum, it is unsaturated. A supersaturated solution contains more solute than normally possible at that temperature, due to the solution being cooled rapidly or evaporating.

What is meant by a solution being saturated?

A saturated solution is one that contains the maximum amount of solute that can dissolve at a given temperature. Any additional solute added to a saturated solution will not dissolve and will instead settle at the bottom of the container.

Can you make a crystal using soda?

No, soda cannot be used to make crystals. Crystals are formed by a process called crystallization, where molecules arrange themselves in a repeating pattern. Soda, being a liquid which contains dissolved carbon dioxide, sugar, and flavorings, does not have the necessary properties to form crystals.

What will happen is a single crystal is introduced into a super-saturated solution?

When a single crystal is introduced into a super-saturated solution, the excess solute in the solution will begin to crystallize onto the seed crystal. This process is called nucleation and will lead to the growth of new crystals from the seed crystal. The new crystals will continue to grow until the excess solute is depleted from the solution.

Why a saturated solution on heating becomes unsaturated explain and give example?

When a saturated solution is heated, the solubility of the solute generally increases due to the temperature dependency of solubility. This results in the solution no longer being saturated and more solute being able to dissolve. For example, if you have a saturated sugar solution at room temperature and then heat it, more sugar molecules can dissolve in the solution because solubility of sugar increases with temperature, making it unsaturated.

What are sugar crystals made of?

Sugar crystals are made of sucrose molecules, which are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The molecules arrange themselves in a repeating pattern to form the structure of the crystal.

What is the difference in saturated and supersaturated?


What is in crystal growing solution?

The exact composition of a crystal growing solution can vary depending on the type of crystal being grown. However, typically, a crystal growing solution includes a solvent or a mixture of solvents, which can be water or organic solvents, and a source of the crystal's desired material, often in the form of a salt or compound that is dissolved in the solvent. It may also contain additional chemicals to control the pH, temperature, and growth rate of the crystals.

What is it called when undissolved particles are so?

When some of the material being dissolved remains it's called a saturated solution