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because Mn gets reduced form +7 oxidation state to +2 oxidation state and oxidizes Fe ions from +2 To +3 state and N in +2 state is colourless or of link colour

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3mo ago

When Mohr's salt solution is added to potassium permanganate solution, a redox reaction occurs where permanganate is reduced to colorless manganese(II) ions. The pink color observed is due to the remaining manganese(VII) ions from the permanganate that form manganese(VII) ions with Mohr's salt.

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Q: Why colour changes to pink when mohr's salt solution is added to potassium permanganate solution?
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The purple color spreads when a crystal of potassium permanganate is placed in water due to the dissolution of potassium permanganate molecules in water. Potassium permanganate is a highly soluble compound, and its purple color comes from the permanganate ions in the crystal dispersing in the water. This dispersion allows the purple color to be visible throughout the water.

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Potassium permanganate is a deep purple color, while potassium manganate VII is typically a green color.

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Methylcyclopentanol does not change the color of potassium permanganate because it is not easily oxidizable by the permanganate ion. The structure of methylcyclopentanol does not provide the necessary functional groups or carbon-hydrogen bonds that can be readily oxidized by potassium permanganate.

What happens to the colour of water when potassium permanganate is added?

When potassium permanganate is added to water, the water changes color to a pink or purple hue. This is because potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent that reacts with organic compounds present in the water, causing the color change.

How a crystal potassium permanganate in a beaker change colour in water within minutes?

When potassium permanganate crystals are placed in water, they dissolve and release potassium and permanganate ions. These ions react with water molecules to form manganese dioxide, which gives the solution a pink or purple color. The rapid color change is due to the quick reaction of the ions with the water, causing the solution to turn vividly colored within minutes.

Why does the colour of potassium permanganate changes to brown when react with ethanol?

When potassium permanganate reacts with ethanol, it undergoes reduction, resulting in a color change from purple to brown. The purple color of potassium permanganate is due to the permanganate anion (MnO4-) in an alkaline medium, and when it is reduced by ethanol, it forms manganese dioxide (MnO2), which is brown in color.

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