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Household products contain acids, bases, or alkalis depending on their intended purpose and chemical properties. For example, acids are found in cleaning products to dissolve dirt and grime, bases are used in drain cleaners to break down clogs, and alkalis can be present in detergents for their cleaning properties. Each type of chemical provides specific benefits in terms of cleaning, disinfecting, or deodorizing.

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Q: Why certain household products contains acids bases or alkalis?
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What things contain alkalis?

Alkalis are commonly found in household items like cleaning products (ammonia, bleach), personal care products (soaps, toothpaste), and certain foods (baking soda, fruits like bananas). Additionally, alkalis can be found in industrial processes such as water treatment and manufacturing.

Types of alkalis found at home?

Common alkalis found at home include baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), ammonia (NH3), and certain cleaners like bleach (sodium hypochlorite). Alkalis can be used for cleaning, neutralizing acids, and various household tasks.

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Chlorine can be found in various products and materials, including household bleach, PVC pipes, swimming pool disinfectants, and certain pesticides. It is also naturally present in some minerals and salts.

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Household acidic products include vinegar, lemon juice, citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits, and certain cleaning products like toilet bowl cleaners and certain drain cleaners. These products have low pH levels and can be used for various cleaning tasks around the house.

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Some common products that may contain alkali include household cleaning products (such as oven cleaners and drain openers), certain types of soaps and detergents, and some personal care items like toothpaste and antacids. Alkalis are often used in these products for their cleaning properties or to help neutralize acids.

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Common household products that contain chloride include table salt (sodium chloride), bleach (sodium hypochlorite), and some cleaners and disinfectants. Additionally, certain water softeners and swimming pool chemicals may also contain chloride compounds.

What are alkalis for kids?

Alkalis are substances that have a pH level higher than 7. They can be found in cleaning products like soap and baking soda, as well as in foods such as certain fruits and vegetables. Alkalis are often used to neutralize acids and can be dangerous if not handled properly.

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Does Pillsbury cookie dough have any peanut products?

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