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The axial bond is 158 pm and the equatorial is 152 pm.

One explanation is that the hybridisation of the equatorial bonds is sp2 and the hybridisation of the equatorial is pd, the greater s character of the equatorial making the bond shorter. (taken from text book Inorganic chemistry by House)

I know of no theretical study that backs this up.

Most text books duck this ,e.g Greenwood and Wiberg.

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3mo ago

The axial bonds in PF5 are longer than the equatorial bonds due to greater repulsion between the lone pair on the phosphorus atom and the axial fluorine atoms. The lone pair occupies more space around the phosphorus atom, causing the axial bonds to be stretched further away compared to the equatorial bonds. This results in a more stable geometry where the bond angles are closer to 90 degrees.

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Q: Why axial bonds are longer than equatoria bonds in PF5 bonds in space geometry?
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