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In a chemical reaction like iron reacting with sulfur to form iron sulfide, the number of atoms of each element in the reactants must equal the number of atoms of each element in the products. This is known as the principle of conservation of mass, which states that matter cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction.

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Q: Why are there the same number of of particles at the beginning as at the end of the iron and sulfur reaction?
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What happens to the number of particles at the beginning and end of the iron and sulfur reaction?

In a reaction between iron and sulfur to form iron sulfide, the total number of particles remains the same before and after the reaction. This is due to the law of conservation of mass, which states that matter cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction.

What is the number of subatomic particles in sulfur?

Sulfur has 16 protons and 16 electrons, which are both subatomic particles. It also has 16 neutrons in its most stable isotope, sulfur-32. Therefore, sulfur has a total of 48 subatomic particles.

What happens to the particle in the iron and sulfur reaction?

In the reaction between iron and sulfur, iron sulfide is formed. Iron atoms lose electrons to sulfur atoms to form iron ions, which then combine with sulfur ions to create iron sulfide particles. This reaction results in a new compound with distinct properties from either the iron or sulfur starting materials.

What happens to the particles in a reaction between Iron and sulfur you have to make a poster?

When iron reacts with sulfur, iron sulfide is formed. In this reaction, iron particles combine with sulfur particles to create iron sulfide particles. The iron sulfide particles will have different properties compared to the original iron and sulfur particles.

What would happen if you broke down sulfur?

If you break down sulfur, it will undergo a chemical reaction to form sulfur dioxide gas. This reaction releases heat and can be exothermic. Sulfur is an element with the chemical symbol S and atomic number 16.

Does the solution of thiosulphate reaction turn cloudy?

Yes, the solution of thiosulfate reaction can turn cloudy due to the formation of sulfur or sulfur particles during the reaction. This cloudiness is a result of the precipitate that forms when thiosulfate reacts with certain substances.

How many particles are in 1.80 mol of sulfur dioxide gas?

There are 1.08 x 10^24 particles in 1.80 mol of sulfur dioxide gas. You can determine this by multiplying Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23) by the number of moles.

Was mass converted in the reaction of iron and sulfur?

In a chemical reaction, mass is always conserved according to the law of conservation of mass. This means that the total mass of reactants before a reaction is equal to the total mass of products after the reaction. So, in the reaction between iron and sulfur, mass was not "converted" but rather rearranged into new compounds.

What is the total number of subatomic particles in sulfur?

In order to answer this question, a particular isotope of sulfur must be considered. The most common isotope is sulfur-32, which has 16 protons, 16 neutrons, and 16 electrons for a total of 48.

What is the word equation for the reaction between sulfur and air?

The word equation for the reaction between sulfur and air is: sulfur + oxygen → sulfur dioxide.

Sulfur burns in oxygen to produce sulfur dioxide type of reaction equals?

The type of reaction that occurs when sulfur burns in oxygen to produce sulfur dioxide is a combustion reaction. In this reaction, a substance reacts with oxygen gas, releasing heat and light energy.

What is the reaction sulfur plus oxygen gives sulfur dioxide?

The reaction between sulfur and oxygen forms sulfur dioxide, which is a chemical compound composed of sulfur and oxygen atoms. This reaction is exothermic, meaning it releases heat energy. The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is: 2S(s) + 3O2(g) → 2SO2(g).