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they aren't, they're in numerical order

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Elements at the bottom of the Periodic Table were discovered later because they have higher atomic numbers, indicating they have more protons in their nucleus. Historically, elements with lower atomic numbers were easier to study and discover due to their simpler properties and availability in nature. As technology advanced, scientists were able to synthesize and discover elements with higher atomic numbers, leading to the discovery of elements at the bottom of the periodic table.

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Q: Why are the elements at the bottom of the series discovered before the elements on the top?
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Where on the periodic table are elements which the highest atomic mass?

Elements with the highest atomic mass can be found towards the bottom of the periodic table, typically in the bottom rows known as the actinide and lanthanide series. These elements include heavy elements such as uranium, thorium, and plutonium.

Where do the lanthanides and actinides get their names?

The lanthanides get their name from the element lanthanum, which was the first in the series to be discovered. The actinides get their name from actinium, which was the first element in this series to be discovered.

The second period at the bottom of the table is called the?

The second period at the bottom of the table is called the lanthanide series or the lanthanoid series. It consists of 14 elements with atomic numbers 57 to 70 and is located below the main body of the periodic table.

What are the two rows at the bottom of the periodic table there?

The two rows at the bottom of the periodic table are the lanthanides (elements 57-71) and actinides (elements 89-103). These rows are often separated from the main table to conserve space.

The two rows of elements placed at the bottom of the periodic table represent what elements?

The two rows of elements at the bottom of the periodic table are the lanthanides and actinides. The lanthanides are elements with atomic numbers 57 to 71, while the actinides are elements with atomic numbers 89 to 103. These rows are known as the f-block elements and are placed below the main body of the periodic table to conserve space.

Which block on the periodic table contains the actinide series of elements?

The actinide series of elements can be found in the f-block of the periodic table, specifically in the 7th row. These elements are known for their radioactive properties and include well-known elements such as uranium and plutonium.

What is the history of arithmetic series?

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Is actinides a rare earth series?

Actinoids is series of chemical elements; lanthanoids is an other different series.

What elements do no react with other elements?

Elements that are extremely unreactive include: Platinum (Pt), Gold (Au), Helium (He), Argon (Ar), Xenon (Xe), Krypton (Kr). These are unreactive because: Platinum and Gold are the bottom two elements in the metals Reactivity series. The rest are inert gases which are all unreactive.

Why where the lanthanide and actinide elements droped out of order on the periodic tabel?

The lanthanide and actinide elements were placed separately at the bottom of the periodic table to avoid making the table too wide. Placing them in this way allows the main body of the table to maintain a more convenient and compact layout. It also helps to emphasize the periodicity and trends of the elements in the main table.

How many elements are there in the actinoid series?

There are 15 elements in the actinoid series, also known as the actinides. These elements follow actinium in the periodic table and include elements such as thorium, uranium, and plutonium.

What is second period at the bottom of the periodic table called?

The second period at the bottom of the periodic table is called the "f-block" or "inner transition elements." This section includes the lanthanides and actinides.