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Arteries appear red because of the oxygenated blood they carry. Oxygenated blood is bright red in color due to the presence of hemoglobin, which binds to and carries oxygen. The color becomes more apparent when seen through the arteries' walls, which are made of muscular tissue.

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Q: Why are the ateries red?
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What is the color of ateries?

Arteries do not have a specific color, as they are mostly transparent and contain oxygenated blood, which is a bright red color. The color of arteries may appear as a pale pink to yellowish hue due to the combination of the blood and the surrounding tissues. It is important to note that the color of arteries can vary based on the individual's health and blood flow.

What color do you get when you mix peach and red?

By mixing peach and red you would get a muddy red. The peach would lighten the red to an extent but the red would lose it clarity and brightness. A bad combo.By mixing peach and red you would get a muddy red. The peach would lighten the red to an extent but the red would lose it clarity and brightness. A bad combo.By mixing peach and red you would get a muddy red. The peach would lighten the red to an extent but the red would lose it clarity and brightness. A bad combo.By mixing peach and red you would get a muddy red. The peach would lighten the red to an extent but the red would lose it clarity and brightness. A bad combo.By mixing peach and red you would get a muddy red. The peach would lighten the red to an extent but the red would lose it clarity and brightness. A bad combo.By mixing peach and red you would get a muddy red. The peach would lighten the red to an extent but the red would lose it clarity and brightness. A bad combo.By mixing peach and red you would get a muddy red. The peach would lighten the red to an extent but the red would lose it clarity and brightness. A bad combo.By mixing peach and red you would get a muddy red. The peach would lighten the red to an extent but the red would lose it clarity and brightness. A bad combo.By mixing peach and red you would get a muddy red. The peach would lighten the red to an extent but the red would lose it clarity and brightness. A bad combo.

Why a red tablecloth appears red?

A red tablecloth appears red because it reflects red light waves and absorbs other colors of light. When white light from the surroundings hits the tablecloth, the red pigments in the fabric selectively reflect only red wavelengths, making it appear red to our eyes.

What is the name of the red colour liquid?

The name of the red colored liquid is "red dye" or "red food coloring."

What color combine to get rose red color?

To get a rose red color, combine red with varying shades of pink or magenta. Adjust the ratio of each color to achieve the desired hue of rose red.

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How many ateries and capillaries do children have?

there's 12 ateries

What do ateries do?


How do you describe ateries?

ng malaki

Supplies blood to the lungs?

the pulmonary ateries

What does a arteriole do?

they are just smaller versions of ateries

What do ateries carry?

Blood coming from the heart.

What is the color of ateries?

Arteries do not have a specific color, as they are mostly transparent and contain oxygenated blood, which is a bright red color. The color of arteries may appear as a pale pink to yellowish hue due to the combination of the blood and the surrounding tissues. It is important to note that the color of arteries can vary based on the individual's health and blood flow.

What is the throbbing of the ateries?

the end of the heart sky of your butt

What disease causes a narrowing of the coronary ateries?


Why is the blood in your ateries is under high pressure?

Cos is fit

What is a blood clot in the ateries leading to the brain?

A blood clot in an artery is an aneurysm.

Why was the saber-toothed tiger teeth easy to break?

the teeth were hollow with veins and ateries running through