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Some crystals are more expensive than others due to their rarity, quality, size, and color. Factors such as where they are sourced from and how they are mined can also impact their price. Additionally, crystals that have certain metaphysical properties or are popular in the healing community may also be more expensive.

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Q: Why are some crystals more expsensive than others?
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Does crystals added to hot water dissolve faster than when added to cold water?

Yes, crystals typically dissolve faster in hot water compared to cold water. This is because higher temperatures increase the kinetic energy of the water molecules, allowing them to interact more vigorously with the crystals and break them down at a quicker rate.

What are the purple and white crystals called?

Purple crystals are commonly known as amethyst, and white crystals are usually quartz. Some specific examples include lepidolite for purple crystals and selenite for white crystals.

how does Ruth know that some of the copper sulphate crystals had dissolved in the water?

Ruth would know that some of the copper sulphate crystals had dissolved in the water by observing if the water changed color to blue, which indicates that the copper sulphate dissolved. Additionally, she could check if there are fewer crystals at the bottom of the container, as they would have dissolved into the water. Ruth can also test by inserting a clean spoon and checking if any more crystals can stick to it, indicating that some have dissolved.

Are crystals dissolvable in hot or cold water?

It depends on the type of crystal. Some crystals are soluble in hot water but not in cold water, while others may dissolve in cold water but not in hot water. It's best to consult the specific properties of the crystal you are working with to determine the appropriate solvent.

Why are some rocks more reactive than others?

Some rocks are more reactive than others due to differences in their mineral composition. Rocks that contain minerals that are chemically unstable or have a greater tendency to react with other substances will be more reactive. Additionally, the presence of certain elements or ions in the rock can also make it more prone to chemical reactions.

Related questions

Are crystals formed by volcanoes?

Some are, not others.

Does all crystals have eight square sides?

Some crystals have 6 sides while others have 4. Some of the four sided are rhombuses

Why do some igneous rocks have larger crystals than others?

The size of the crystals depend on the time it took the rock to cool. Slow cooling rocks have larger crystals because they had a longer time to grow their crystals. For example Basalt is an volcanic extrusive igneous rock that forms from rapid cooling of the magma and are usually located near the surface or on the ocean floor, it has finer crystals not visible by the naked eye. Granite is an intrusive igneous rock that forms from slow cooling of the magma within the earth crust, it has larger crystals.

Are Crystals rare?

The rarity of a crystal depends on the type of crystal and where it is found. Some crystals, like diamonds, can be rare and valuable, while others, like quartz, can be more common. Overall, the rarity of a crystal is subjective and varies depending on the specific mineral and its availability in nature.

Does crystals added to hot water dissolve faster than when added to cold water?

Yes, crystals typically dissolve faster in hot water compared to cold water. This is because higher temperatures increase the kinetic energy of the water molecules, allowing them to interact more vigorously with the crystals and break them down at a quicker rate.

Are all crystals valuable?

some crystals are and some aren't.

What factor prevents all countries in the Persian gulf from producing desalinized water?

some countries can not afford to desalinized water

How many types of healing crystals are there?

That's a difficult question, because there are some stand alone healing crystals and some that work in combination with others. Some even say that crystals don't heal but just open your mind so you can heal yourself! Check out the related link for 6 crystals that aid you in everyday situations. They even give a 30 day money back satisfaction guarantee.

Do all crystals have smooth edges?

No, not all crystals have smooth edges. Some crystals, like pyrite and fluorite, can have natural jagged or rough edges depending on their formation process. Smooth edges are more common in crystals like quartz and amethyst that form in more stable environments.

Are some crystals eatable?

You can eat some kinds of crystals... salt crystals and sugar crystals, for example. It's probably not a good idea to eat, say, quartz crystals, though.

Why do some igneous rocks have bigger crystals then others?

some of them are formed inside the earth and take 100's of years to form and form large cyclists in that time

Do crystals grow fastly or slowly?

Crystals can grow at different speeds depending on various factors such as temperature, pressure, and chemical composition. Some crystals may form quickly under ideal conditions, while others may take a longer time to grow. Overall, the growth rate of crystals can vary widely from fast to slow.