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Because such metals allow electricity to flow more freely through them than it can flow through most other things (wood, for example, is a poor conductor).

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 7mo ago

Most metals are good conductors of electricity because they have a high density of free electrons that are able to flow easily through the material when a voltage is applied. This ability to carry electric current efficiently is what makes metals good conductors.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

(1) metals have less electrons accomadated in thier outermost shell. (2) electrons move freely in all direction,

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Q: Why are most metals called good conductors?
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Are most metals good conducters?

Yes, most metals are good conductors of heat and electricity.

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These are good conductors-most metals are good conductors.

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the reason metals are good conductors is because in their subatomic structure electrons float as if in a sea, also called a sea of electrons that is why you can magnetize most metals and they conduct electricity.

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Materials that can conduct heat are called good conductors of heat and electricity. Most of the time, these materials are metals. Nonmetals are not good conductors of heat.

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Most metals are ductile, malleable, good conductors of electricity and heat, and have a shiny luster.

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Most metals are good conductors of electricity.

What is good conductors of electricity?

Most metals, and especially gold. AND SALT WATER

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most metals are good conductors for heat.

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Almost all metals are good conductors and the two most typical are copper and silver.

What is true about most metals?

Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity. They have a metallic luster. All the metals are solids except Mercury.

Is it true that most good thermal metals are conductors?

Yes, it is true.

Is magnesium a good heat conductor?

Yes, most metals are good conductors of heat.