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Eddie's death in "A View from the Bridge" by Arthur Miller is ultimately caused by his own actions and decisions. His fatal flaw is his inability to accept his feelings for his niece, Catherine, which leads to jealousy, betrayal, and his ultimate downfall. While others may have influenced his behavior, Eddie's tragic fate is a result of his own internal struggles and moral failings.

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Why is the lack if of oxygen in the brain cell able to cause death?

A lack of oxygen in brain cells (hypoxia) can lead to cell damage and death due to the brain's high energy demands and sensitivity to oxygen deprivation. Without oxygen, brain cells are unable to produce energy through aerobic respiration, leading to cell dysfunction and ultimately cell death, which can result in neurological deficits or death.

What were the effects of different types of poison gas?

Chlorine gas caused respiratory issues and lung damage, mustard gas caused blistering on skin and lungs, and phosgene gas caused severe respiratory issues leading to death. Nerve agents like sarin caused paralysis and death, while VX nerve agent led to convulsions and death. Overall, poison gases were used in warfare to inflict varying degrees of physical harm and potential death on individuals.

How do you make cloroform for a safe knock out?

you are asking about suicide. it may bring the death.

What is the death of a still body of water caused by the addition of excess nitrate fertilizer?

The death of a still body of water caused by the addition of excess nitrate fertilizer is known as eutrophication. This excess nutrient leads to an overgrowth of algae and other plants, which depletes oxygen levels in the water when they die and decompose. This decrease in oxygen can lead to the death of aquatic organisms and disrupt the balance of the ecosystem.

How much damage can a lack of oxygen cause?

A lack of oxygen can cause damage to the brain within minutes, leading to tissue death and potential long-term disability or death. Other organs like the heart, lungs, and kidneys can also be severely impacted by oxygen deprivation, depending on the duration and severity of the event.