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The scientist that developed the orbital model is Niels Bohr

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7y ago

This model was first developed by Ernst Rutherford then refined by Niels Bohr.

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9y ago

Rutherford is known for developing planetary model. He compared sun with nucleus and electrons with planets.

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15y ago

Niels Henrik David Bohr

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This scientist was Niels Bohr.

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Q: Which scientist is known for developing the planetary model of the atom?
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What is bohr's model of the atom known as?

Planetary model.

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Who portrays the planetary model of an atom?

Niels Bohr is credited with developing the planetary model of the atom, which depicts electrons orbiting the nucleus in discrete energy levels. This model helped explain the stability of atoms and the emission of light at specific wavelengths.

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Dalton proposed planetary model. He kept electrons at a distance.

What scientist developed the model of the atom shown?

Niels Bohr developed the model of the atom shown in the image. He proposed the planetary model of the atom, where electrons orbit the nucleus in fixed energy levels.

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Describe the planetary model of an atom?

The planetary model of an atom is simple. The nucleus is the planet and the electrons are the moons in the model.

Scientist who made a model of an atom?

Ernest Rutherford is credited with developing the first model of the atom known as the Rutherford model in 1911. It proposed that atoms have a central nucleus surrounded by electrons in orbit. This model laid the foundation for our modern understanding of atomic structure.

What is the order that these were developed 1 Planetary model 2 Quantum mechanical model 3 Solid sphere model?

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Can you put these in order 1 Planetary model 2 Quantum mechanical model 3 Solid sphere model?

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What is the nickname for bohrs model of atoms?

the planetary model

The Bohr model of the atom which placed the electrons at definite distances from the nucleus is known as what?

The Bohr model of the atom, which placed electrons at specific energy levels around the nucleus, is known as the planetary model of the atom. In this model, electrons orbit the nucleus in fixed paths or "shells."