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Nickel was discovered in Stockholm Sweden Nickel was discovered in Stockholm, Sweden by Baron Axel Fredrik Cronstedt in 1751. Nickel was discovered in Stockholm, Sweden by Baron Axel Fredrik Cronstedt in 1751.

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4mo ago

Axel Fredrik Cronstedt, a Swedish chemist, is credited with discovering nickel in 1751. He isolated the element from a mineral ore called niccolite.

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10y ago

Nickel was discovered by Axel Fredrik Cronstedt. He discovered the element in 1751. Today, most of the world's nickel is mined in and around the Sudbury region of Ontario, Canada.

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9y ago

Axel Fredrik Cronstedt in Sweden in the year 1751. 1751, Axel Fredrik Cronstedt, discovered it yeah so happy :)

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12y ago

Nickel was discovered in Stockholm, Sweden by Baron Axel Fredrik Cronstedt in 1751.

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13y ago

Axel Fredrik Cronstedt, in Germany - 1751.

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15y ago

where was the element nickel discovered??

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Axel Frederik Cronstedt - 1751

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Q: Who discovered nickel?
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Where was the nickel discovered?

where was the element nickel discovered??

What country was the element Nickel discovered in?

The element Nickel was discovered in Sweden in the 18th century by scientist Axel Fredrik Cronstedt.

What are unusual facts about nickel?

1. Nickel was discovered in Sweden 2. Nickel was discovered by Alex Cronstedt 3. It was discovered in 1751 4. The U.S. nickel contains 25% of nickel 5. Very useful, but toxic to humans 6. NICKEL got its name by the german word kupfernickel 7. Kupfernickel means DEVIL'S COPPER 8.Nickel is commonly found in meteorites

When was Element nickel discovered and is it toxic?

It was discovered in 1751 by Crostedt. No it is not toxic.

How was the element nickel found?

Nickel was discovered in 1751 by A. F. Cronstedt in kupfernickel (niccolite), a copper-colored nickel arsenide mineral.

Who discovered nickel-63?

Axel Fredrik Cronstedt (a Swedish chemist) in 1751

Who discovered nickel 63?

Axel Fredrik Cronstedt (a Swedish chemist) in 1751

When was the Ni element discovered?

That kind of depends on exactly what you mean by "discovered". People have been using alloys containing nickel since prehistoric times, but it was only relatively recently (1751) that pure nickel was isolated and named.

Is a 1444 nickel worth anything?

1444? Check that coin again. Not only was there no such thing as a nickel in 1444, the United States didn't exist, and the New World had yet to be discovered.

When was the element nickel first found?

Nickel was first discovered in 1751 by the Swedish chemist Axel Cronstedt. He found it in a mineral ore called niccolite.

What is nickel cleavage?

so far scientist have not discovered its cleavage. So, far there is no cleavage. Which means the andwer is none

What is the history of the element nickel?

Nickel has been used for thousands of years, with the ancient Chinese using it in coins. In the 18th century, Swedish mineralogist Axel Cronstedt identified it as a distinct element. Today, nickel is widely used in alloys, batteries, and as a catalyst in various industrial processes.