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3mo ago

Copper sulfate will dissolve faster in hot water than in cold water. This is because higher temperatures increase the kinetic energy of the particles, allowing them to move more quickly and break down the crystal structure of the compound more rapidly, promoting dissolution.

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Q: Which will dissolve faster copper sulfate in hot water Or copper sulfate in cold water?
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How do you dissolve copper sulfate and water?

To dissolve copper sulfate in water, simply add the copper sulfate powder to the water while stirring continuously. The copper sulfate will dissolve in the water to form a clear blue solution. Be cautious when handling copper sulfate as it can be harmful if ingested or inhaled.

Can copper sulphate crystals dissolve in water?

Yes, copper sulfate crystals can dissolve in water. When added to water, the crystals break down into copper ions and sulfate ions, forming a solution of copper sulfate.

How do you obtain copper sulfate crystals from a mixture of copper sulfate and sand?

To obtain copper sulfate crystals from a mixture with sand, you can dissolve the mixture in water. The copper sulfate will dissolve, while the sand will not. You can then filter the solution to separate the sand from the copper sulfate solution. By evaporating the water from the copper sulfate solution, you can obtain copper sulfate crystals.

Does copper sulphate dissolve better in cold water or in warm water?

Copper sulfate dissolves better in warm water because higher temperatures typically increase the solubility of solids. Warm water has more kinetic energy, allowing the copper sulfate particles to break apart more easily and mix with the water molecules.

What happens when water and white copper sulphate mix together?

When water and white copper sulfate mix together, the copper sulfate will dissolve in the water, resulting in a blue solution. This is because copper sulfate is a water-soluble compound.

How much copper sulfate can water dissolve?

The solubility of copper sulfate in water is approximately 31.6 grams per 100 milliliters of water at room temperature. The solubility of copper sulfate increases with higher temperatures.

Can 1750 mL of water dissolve 4.6 of copper sulfate CuSO4?

No, 1750 mL of water is not enough to dissolve 4.6 g of copper sulfate (CuSO4) as the solubility of CuSO4 in water is about 203 g/L at room temperature. You would need more water to dissolve 4.6 g of CuSO4 completely.

Separate chalk from a mixture of chalk and copper sulfate solution?

To separate chalk from a mixture of chalk and copper sulfate solution, you can add water to dissolve the copper sulfate, leaving behind the chalk. The water-soluble copper sulfate will form a blue solution, allowing you to filter out the chalk residue, which is insoluble in water.

What do you get when you mix water and copper 2 sulfate?

Not much. The Copper (II) sulfate will just dissolve in the water (at about 316g/L of water). Copper (II) sulfate is pretty friendly around water and not all that dangerous. It's used commercially.

How do you separate powdered copper sulphate and powered copper in a solution?

You can separate powdered copper sulfate and powdered copper in a solution through filtration. Copper sulfate is water-soluble and will dissolve in water, while copper metal will not dissolve and can be collected by filtering the solution. Copper can also be separated from copper sulfate by electrolysis, where an electric current is passed through the solution.

Does copper sulphate dissolve in oil?

No, copper sulfate is not soluble in oil because it is a water-soluble compound. When added to oil, copper sulfate will not dissolve and will separate from the oil due to their immiscibility.

If you add 35 g of copper (II) sulfate CuSO4 to 100 g of water at 60 and degC according to the transparency how many grams of copper(II) sulfate will not dissolve HTML Editor Keyboard Shortcuts?

At 60°C, about 31.6 g of copper (II) sulfate will dissolve in 100 g of water. This means that about 3.4 g of copper (II) sulfate will not dissolve and will form a saturated solution.