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A surface that does not absorb water is called non-porous or water-resistant. These surfaces do not allow water to penetrate or seep through due to their smooth and impermeable nature. Examples include glass, metal, and certain types of plastic.

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Q: Which type of surface does not take water in called?
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When water molecules stick together, it is called cohesion. This property allows water to form droplets and maintain surface tension.

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Dolphins live beneath the sea in the water. There is nothing called 'weather' under the ocean's surface.

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The root hair cells in plants are responsible for absorbing water and minerals from the soil through a process called osmosis. These cells are located on the surface of the roots and have a large surface area to maximize water absorption.

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Well water is by definition from an underground aquifer, or water table.

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This type of water is called surface runoff. It occurs when rainwater or snowmelt flows over the ground surface, unable to penetrate into the soil or evaporate. Surface runoff can accumulate in rivers, lakes, and oceans or contribute to flooding in urban areas.

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What is Water that continues to flow and does not soak into the ground?

That type of water is called surface water. It typically flows over the land as streams or rivers and does not permeate the ground due to factors like impermeable soil or the slope of the land.

Which type of water comes from wells?

Underground or rain water comes from wells. Wells are dug deep down the earth's surface.

Dropping a stone into water will produce what kind of wave?

Dropping a stone into water will produce circular waves that spread outwards from the point of impact. These waves are called ripples and are a type of surface wave.