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He disproved that living

cells come from nonliving things.

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Minerva Orn

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1mo ago

Louis Pasteur disproved the theory of spontaneous generation by using boiled beef broth in flasks with swan-neck shaped tubing. He showed that microorganisms did not spontaneously appear in the broth but were carried by air and trapped in the curved neck of the flask, preventing contamination.

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Q: Which theory did Pasteur disprove by using boiled beef broth and flask with Shaped tubing?
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What scienctist used the S shaped flask?

Louis Pasteur is the scientist who used the S-shaped flask in his experiments to disprove the idea of spontaneous generation. This famous experiment led to the development of the germ theory of disease and the field of microbiology.

Theory stating that the sun contains a small amount of platinum using what you know about spectroscopy explain how i might prove or disprove this theory?

You could use spectroscopy to analyze the light emitted by the sun to look for the characteristic spectral lines of platinum. If you detect these specific spectral lines in the sun's spectrum, it would support the theory. Conversely, if you do not find these lines in the sun's spectrum, it would provide evidence against the theory.

How did Pasteur's experiment differ from spallanzanis experiment?

Pasteur's experiment refuted the theory of spontaneous generation by demonstrating that microorganisms in broth were killed by heat and could only enter through the air. Spallanzani's experiment involved boiling broth in sealed flasks to prevent microorganism entry, concluding that the lack of spontaneous generation was due to the lack of vital force rather than the absence of air.

What is Louis paseur best known for?

Louis Pasteur is best known for his discoveries in the field of microbiology, including the development of germ theory and pasteurization. He also created vaccines for diseases such as rabies and anthrax, revolutionizing the field of immunology.

How a hypothesis becomes a theory?

A hypothesis become a theory if it is proved by experimental data. tested; conclusion (apex)

Related questions

Which theory did pasteur disprove by using boiled beef broth an a flask with S-shaped tubing?

Pasteur disproved Theory of spontaneous generation. (Cells came from non-living things)

Which theory did pasteur disprove by using boiled beef broth and a flask with s shape tubing?

spontaneous generation

Which theory did pasteur disprove by using boiled beef broth and a flash with s shaped tubing?

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Which theory did pasteur disprove by using beef broth and a flask with s shaped tubing?

He disproved that living cells come from nonliving things.

Which theory did pasteur disprove by using boiled beef broth and a flask with s-shape tubing?

Louis Pasteur disproved the theory of spontaneous generation by showing that microorganisms do not spontaneously appear in boiled broth when the broth is kept sterile in a flask with an S-shaped neck that prevents outside air and microorganisms from entering. This experiment demonstrated that microorganisms come from preexisting microorganisms, not from non-living matter.

Which theory did pasteur disaprove by using boiled beef broth and flask with s- shaped tube?

cells came from nonliving things

What scienctist used the S shaped flask?

Louis Pasteur is the scientist who used the S-shaped flask in his experiments to disprove the idea of spontaneous generation. This famous experiment led to the development of the germ theory of disease and the field of microbiology.

Was Louis pasteur's experiment with the s-shaped flask pasteurization?

No, Louis Pasteur's experiment with the S-shaped flask was not pasteurization. The experiment was to disprove the theory of spontaneous generation by showing that microorganisms in the air were responsible for spoilage of liquids, using the S-shaped flask to prevent dust particles from contaminating the broth. Pasteurization is a process of heating liquid to kill bacteria and pathogens, named after Pasteur.

Which theory did pasteur disprove?

Louis Pasteur is credited with disproving the theory of spontaneous generation, which suggested that living organisms could arise from non-living matter. Through his experiments, Pasteur showed that life only comes from pre-existing life, laying the foundation for the field of microbiology.

Did john needham disprove spontaneous generation?

John Needham's experiments appeared to support the theory of spontaneous generation as he observed microorganisms appearing in broth that had been heated and sealed. However, his conclusions were later challenged by Spallanzani and Pasteur, who showed that organisms did not grow in boiled and sealed containers. Ultimately, Needham's experiments did not definitively disprove spontaneous generation.

What Louis Pasteur discovered in physics?

Louis Pasteur was a chemist and biologist, not a physicist. He is known for his work in microbiology, including the discovery of the principles of vaccination and pasteurization. His experiments also helped disprove the theory of spontaneous generation.

Which scientist used boiled beef broth and flasks with S-shaped tubing to show that the theory of spontaneous generation is false?

He disproved that living cells come from nonliving things.