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dalton was wrong about atoms being indivisible. atoms are divisible into several subatomic particles. dalton was wrong about all atoms of a given element having identical properties.

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Dalton's theory mistakenly proposed that atoms were indivisible and that all atoms of a given element were identical in size, mass, and other properties. However, we now know that atoms can be further subdivided into protons, neutrons, and electrons, and that isotopes exist with variations in mass.

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Q: Which parts of Daltons theory were later found to be erroneous?
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YEs, Alfred WEGners theory was accpeted until later BECause This Question IS BEing ASked to aN ELEveN yEar OLdBecaysE sHE wANTs To Know :CAN A THEORY ALREADY ACCEPTED , BE REJECTED LATER WHEN A CONTRADICTION IS FOUND?THANKSI Appreciate if you would help.ByebyeX

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