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Fermentation can occur in the absence of oxygen. This process allows for the production of energy in the form of ATP without the need for oxygen.

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Q: Which one of the following processes can occur in the absence of oxygen?
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What is the meaning of the term anaeroboc?

"Anaeroboc" is not a recognized scientific term. It may be a misspelling or a combination of the words "anaerobic" and "aerobic," which relate to the presence or absence of oxygen in biological processes. Anaerobic processes occur in the absence of oxygen, while aerobic processes require oxygen.

Difference between aerobic and anaerobic?

Aerobic respiration is performing something with oxygen. Anaerobic is only performing the same action but without and oxygen.

Anaerobic process takes place in the absence of what?

Anaerobic processes occur in the absence of oxygen. This type of metabolism produces energy without the need for oxygen. Examples include fermentation in yeast and lactic acid production in muscles during intense exercise.

If a process does not require oxygen it is what?

If a process does not require oxygen, it is anaerobic. This means it can occur in the absence of oxygen.

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cytoplasmic matrix of procaryotes and eucaryotes with presence or absence of oxygen

Which term describes processes that take place when there is no oxygen present?

Anaerobic processes occur when there is no oxygen present, such as in anaerobic respiration or fermentation. These processes result in the production of energy without the need for oxygen.

What is the Processes that do not require oxygen are called?

I'm not exactly sure what you are looking for, but the first thing that came to mind is "anarobic," which comes from the Latin prefix a- meaning "not' and arobic meaning "air." Anarobic respiration is one example of this word, where certain organisms use gasses other than oxygen to create energy--yeast is an example of this.

What does it mean to say that glycolysis is an aerobic process?

Glycolysis is not an aerobic process; it is an anaerobic process. Aerobic processes require oxygen, while anaerobic processes do not. Glycolysis breaks down glucose into pyruvate without the need for oxygen.

Does replication require oxygen?

No, replication does not require oxygen. Replication is the process of copying DNA or RNA, which can occur in the absence of oxygen. Oxygen is not directly involved in the process of DNA replication itself.

What are processes that do not use oxygen?

Processes that do not use oxygen are anaerobic processes. Some examples include fermentation, anaerobic respiration, and certain types of metabolism that occur in environments with low oxygen levels. Anaerobic processes typically produce less energy than aerobic processes.

What is the opposite of Anaerobic?

The opposite of anaerobic is aerobic. Anaerobic processes occur without oxygen, while aerobic processes require oxygen.

When oxygen is absent?

When oxygen is absent, some organisms can carry out fermentation to produce energy. However, in the absence of oxygen, aerobic respiration, which is more efficient at producing energy, cannot occur.