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Bromine has the larger ionic radius than fluorine. This is because when moving down a group on the Periodic Table, atomic size increases due to the addition of more electron shells. Bromine, being below fluorine on the periodic table, has more electron shells and thus a larger ionic radius.

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Q: Which one has the larger value for ionic radiusFluorine Or Bromine?
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Does fluorine or bromine have a larger value in ionic radius?

Bromine has a larger value in ionic radius compared to fluorine. Fluorine is a smaller atom due to more effective nuclear charge and stronger attraction to its electrons. Bromine, on the other hand, is a larger atom with more electron shells, resulting in a larger ionic radius.

Does bromine have a larger value for ionic radius than fluorine?

No, fluorine has a larger ionic radius than bromine. This is because fluorine, being in the second row of the periodic table, has fewer electron shells than bromine, which is in the fourth row. As you move down a group in the periodic table, the atomic size tends to increase.

Who has greater electronegativity bromine or arsenic?

Bromine has greater electronegativity than arsenic. Bromine has an electronegativity value of 2.96 on the Pauling scale, while arsenic has an electronegativity value of 2.18.

Difference between electronegativity values of sodium and bromine?

the difference between the electronegativity values of sodium and bromine is 1.9 , which is relatively high in general , high differences suggest ionic bonds.

Where can you find a table of the value of ionic compounds?

We can find a table of the value of ionic compounds in periodic table

What is the weighted average atomic mass of bromine?

The weighted average atomic mass of bromine is approximately 79.904 u. This value is calculated based on the natural abundance of bromine's isotopes.

What is the relation of bromine No and Diene value?

Bromine number and diene value are both measures of unsaturation in a compound. The bromine number measures the amount of bromine that a compound can react with, indicating the presence of double bonds. The diene value specifically quantifies the amount of conjugated dienes in a compound, which are a specific type of double bond arrangement. In general, a higher bromine number or diene value indicates greater unsaturation in a compound.

What is the hardness of bromine?

Bromine's hardness is not typically measured, as it is a liquid at room temperature and does not possess a defined hardness value like solid materials.

Does the hundreds or hundredths place have a larger value?

Hundreds have a larger place value.

Is Chlorine is more electronegative than bromine?

Yes, chlorine is more electronegative than bromine. Chlorine has a higher electronegativity value on the Pauling scale compared to bromine, indicating that chlorine has a greater ability to attract electrons in a chemical bond.

The electronegativity value for Cesium is 0period7 the value for fluorine is 4 period 0 is the bond formed by combining what A polar covalent B covalent or C ionic?

ionic bond

Which is larger nano or milli?

milli is larger in terms of value