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"Fracking", short for "hydraulic fracturing", is usually applied to natural deposits of the kind of rock known as shale to recover petroleum or natural gas trapped in the shale.

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Natural gas is extracted using hydraulic fracturing, commonly known as fracking. This process involves pumping high-pressure water, sand, and chemicals into underground rock formations to release natural gas trapped within the rock.

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Q: Which natural source is extracted in a process known as fracking?
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Where do companies get helium from?

Companies typically source helium from natural gas deposits. Helium is extracted during the natural gas production process, as it is a byproduct of the gas that is released. Helium can also be obtained through the refining of crude helium gas.

What metal can be extracted from bauxite ore?

Aluminum metal can be extracted from bauxite ore through a process called the Bayer process. Bauxite is a major source of aluminum because it contains a high concentration of aluminum hydroxide minerals.

Is aluminum an ore explain?

Aluminum is a metal that is not found in its pure form in nature. It is usually extracted from bauxite ore through a process called electrolysis. Bauxite is the primary source of aluminum and contains aluminum hydroxide minerals from which aluminum is extracted.

Is iron extracted from its ore through electrolysis?

No, iron is not extracted from its ore through electrolysis. Iron is typically extracted from its ore through a process called reduction, where the ore is heated with a carbon source to remove the oxygen and transform the ore into metallic iron. Electrolysis is more commonly used for extracting reactive metals like aluminum and magnesium.

Bunsen burner fuel from the north sea?

Natural gas is typically used as a fuel for Bunsen burners, and the North Sea is known to be a significant source of offshore natural gas reserves. This gas is extracted from beneath the North Sea and can be refined for use in various applications, including as a reliable heat source for Bunsen burners in laboratories.

Related questions

What is a major source of today's natural gas wells?

Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is a major source of natural gas wells today. This process involves injecting high-pressure fluid into rock formations to release gas trapped within. Fracking has enabled access to previously inaccessible gas reserves, driving the growth of natural gas production.

How is hydrogen harnessed?

Hydrogen is typically harnessed through a process called electrolysis, where an electric current is passed through water to split it into hydrogen and oxygen. It can also be extracted from natural gas through a process called steam methane reforming. Once extracted, hydrogen can be stored and used as a fuel source for various applications.

What is shale energy?

Natural gas extracted from shale rock could become a significant global energy source.

What is benefits of fracking?

Some potential benefits of fracking include increased domestic oil and natural gas production, reduced energy prices, and job creation in the oil and gas industry. Additionally, fracking can reduce dependency on foreign energy sources and increase energy security.

Where do companies get helium from?

Companies typically source helium from natural gas deposits. Helium is extracted during the natural gas production process, as it is a byproduct of the gas that is released. Helium can also be obtained through the refining of crude helium gas.

What is the source of alkanes?

Alkanes come from natural gas & petroleum. They are extracted through distillation.Source (see Related Link below).

WHAT IS THE method that can extract element from natural compound?

One method that can extract elements from natural compounds is called solvent extraction. This process involves using a solvent to selectively dissolve the desired element or compound from the natural source, separating it from the other components. The solvent is then evaporated to recover the extracted element.

Is iron ore natural from the earth?

Yes, iron ore is a natural mineral that is mined from the earth. It is a source of iron, which is extracted and processed to create various iron and steel products for industrial and commercial use.

What metal can be extracted from bauxite ore?

Aluminum metal can be extracted from bauxite ore through a process called the Bayer process. Bauxite is a major source of aluminum because it contains a high concentration of aluminum hydroxide minerals.

Is gas natural or man-made?

Natural gas is a naturally occurring fossil fuel formed from the decomposition of organic matter over millions of years. It can be found underground and extracted for use as a source of energy.

How do you extract dyes from lichens?

Lichens are common source of Natural dyes. It is extracted by either boiling water or Ammonia fermentation. They are also yellow in color mostly.

What is the source of gasoline that cars run on?

The source is Crude oil. Gasoline is extracted by heating cude oil and collecting the vapor at a specific temperature. The condensate is gasoline. The process is known as 'Cracking' and may have other chemicals added, to make the process more efficient.