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Copper is generally used in thicker layers than gold because it is a more cost-effective material for applications requiring thicker coatings, such as in electronic components and industrial machinery. Gold is typically used in thinner layers due to its high cost and excellent conductivity and corrosion resistance properties even in small amounts.

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Q: Which is used in thick layers gold or copper?
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Copper and gold are both metals that are used for roofs but some of their properties are different so they are used for different purposes which oof the two metals are used in thick layers?

Copper is often used for roofing in thick layers because it is more malleable and can be easily shaped and formed to cover a roof. Gold is not commonly used for roofing due to its high cost and limited availability, but it is used in thin layers for decorative or ornamental purposes on roofs.

Is copper used in thick layers?

Copper is commonly used in thick layers for applications requiring high conductivity and durability, such as in electronics, electrical wiring, and power distribution. Thick copper layers are particularly important for ensuring low electrical resistance and improving heat dissipation in these applications.

Is gold stronger than copper?

Gold is softer than copper. Copper is stronger and has a higher tensile strength compared to gold. This is why copper is often used for electrical wiring and plumbing where strength is important.

Does sulphuric acid remove copper from gold?

Sulfuric acid is not typically used to remove copper from gold, as it can also affect the gold itself. Other methods, such as leaching with cyanide or nitric acid, are commonly used to separate copper from gold. These methods are more selective in targeting the copper without damaging the gold.

Can copper used to precipitate gold from gold cyanide?

Yes, copper can be used to precipitate gold from gold cyanide solutions through a redox reaction in which copper metal replaces gold in the solution. This process is known as cementation and is a common method used in the mining industry to recover gold from cyanide solutions.

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Copper and gold are both metals that are used for roofs but some of their properties are different so they are used for different purposes which oof the two metals are used in thick layers?

Copper is often used for roofing in thick layers because it is more malleable and can be easily shaped and formed to cover a roof. Gold is not commonly used for roofing due to its high cost and limited availability, but it is used in thin layers for decorative or ornamental purposes on roofs.

Is copper used in thick layers?

Copper is commonly used in thick layers for applications requiring high conductivity and durability, such as in electronics, electrical wiring, and power distribution. Thick copper layers are particularly important for ensuring low electrical resistance and improving heat dissipation in these applications.

How is bartons metal made?

Barton's Metal is copper overlaid with a thick layer of gold, and was used in 1825

How thick is the copper used in Van Earp style copper lamps?

Its around .030 thick.

Is gold stronger than copper?

Gold is softer than copper. Copper is stronger and has a higher tensile strength compared to gold. This is why copper is often used for electrical wiring and plumbing where strength is important.

Why is gold and copper used in making jewelry?

because gold and copper are hardly reactive and dont scratch easily

Does sulphuric acid remove copper from gold?

Sulfuric acid is not typically used to remove copper from gold, as it can also affect the gold itself. Other methods, such as leaching with cyanide or nitric acid, are commonly used to separate copper from gold. These methods are more selective in targeting the copper without damaging the gold.

What is copper bleach used for?

gold mining

Can copper used to precipitate gold from gold cyanide?

Yes, copper can be used to precipitate gold from gold cyanide solutions through a redox reaction in which copper metal replaces gold in the solution. This process is known as cementation and is a common method used in the mining industry to recover gold from cyanide solutions.

What acid will eat copper but not gold?

Nitric acid can dissolve copper but not gold. Gold is resistant to most acids, including nitric acid, which is commonly used to dissolve copper.

How were copper and gold used?

Copper was used as a formidable shield for soldiers in old times. They were both used for art and stuff like that

What is the alloy used to make imitation gold?

One common alloy used to make imitation gold is brass, which is a combination of copper and zinc. Another alloy used is bronze, made from copper and tin. These alloys can mimic the appearance of gold at a lower cost.