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Water is the inorganic compound that makes up approximately 55-60% of the human body's mass. It plays a crucial role in various physiological processes, including nutrient transportation, temperature regulation, and waste removal.

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Q: Which inorganic compound is 55-60 percent of body mass?
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The most important and abundant inorganic compound in all living systems making up 55-60 percent of body mass in lean adults?

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What kind of compound is salt in the human body?

Salt in the human body is in the form of sodium chloride, which is an essential electrolyte that helps regulate fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contractions. Sodium is necessary for maintaining blood pressure and overall health, but consuming too much salt can lead to health problems like high blood pressure.

Do organic or inorganic compounds comprise more of the body?

Organic compounds comprise more of the body than inorganic compounds. Organic compounds, such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, are essential for the structure and function of cells and tissues. Inorganic compounds, such as salts and minerals, play important roles in various bodily processes but are present in smaller quantities compared to organic compounds.

The most important inorganic compound found in large quantities in the body is?

Water is the most important inorganic compound found in large quantities in the body. It plays a crucial role in various physiological processes and is essential for life.

What are inorganic substances that account for approximately four percent of your body weight?


What are the Inorganic substance that account for approximately four percent of your body weight?


What inorganic substance makes up four percent of body weight?


What inorganic substance makes up four percent of your body weight?

Calcium is an inorganic substance that makes up about 4% of the average human body weight, primarily in the form of calcium phosphate found in bones and teeth.

What is the most important inorganic compound found in the body?

Water is the most important inorganic compound found in the body. It makes up about 60% of body weight and plays a crucial role in various physiological processes such as digestion, nutrient transport, temperature regulation, and waste removal.

Why urea is inorganic compound?

Urea is considered an inorganic compound because it does not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds, which are characteristic of organic compounds. Urea is a nitrogen-containing compound that is produced by living organisms as a waste product of protein metabolism, and it is not derived from living organisms like organic compounds are.

Is lactate an organic or inorganic compound?

Lactate is an organic compound. It is a type of carboxylic acid that is produced during anaerobic metabolism in the body.

Is carbon a organic compound in your body?

yes carbon is a part of organic compound. but there are inorganic compounds also containing carbon (such as carbonates, bicarbonates etc).