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Sulfur is an impurity in coal that oxidizes and reacts with oxygen during combustion, forming sulfur dioxide (SO2). This can contribute to air pollution and acid rain.

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Q: Which impurity in coal that is oxidise and reacts with oxygen?
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What is the equation for when coal reacts with oxygen?

The equation for when coal reacts with oxygen is: ( C + O_2 \rightarrow CO_2 ). This represents the combustion of coal where carbon in coal reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide.

When coal burns is it a chemical reaction?

Burning coal is a chemical process in which coal reacts with oxygen and forming carbon doxide and or monoxide.

What black solid reacts with oxygen to make carbon dioxide?

Carbon in the form of charcoal or graphite reacts with oxygen in the air to produce carbon dioxide when it burns.

What is an impurity in coal?

An impurity in coal refers to any non-combustible material that is present in coal, such as sulfur, ash, and moisture. These impurities can affect the efficiency of burning coal and contribute to environmental pollution when coal is burned.

What is the impurity in coal?

Sulfur is a common impurity in coal, which can contribute to air pollution when the coal is burned. It can form sulfur dioxide gas when burned, which is a major component of acid rain. Reducing the sulfur content in coal can help mitigate these environmental impacts.

Element that is a yellow solid found as an impurity in coal?

An element that is a yellow solid and found as an impurity in coal is sulfur. Sulfur is one reason why burning coal creates pollution. When impure coal is burned, sulfur dioxide is created and contributes to phenomena such as acid rain.

What is the equation for the reaction of coal with oxygen?

The reaction of coal with oxygen can be represented by the equation: C(s) + O2(g) → CO2(g) where carbon (C) from coal reacts with oxygen (O2) to form carbon dioxide (CO2).

How does chemical reaction occur in a coal?

Coal is primarily composed of carbon, which can undergo chemical reactions such as combustion when exposed to heat and oxygen. When coal is heated, the carbon in it reacts with oxygen in the air to produce carbon dioxide and heat energy. This is the basis of how chemical reactions occur in coal.

How do you compare the dry and wet process of coal washing?

Impurity type

What is the chemical equation for the combustion of coal?

C + O2 ⟹ CO2 Carbon and oxygen combine to form carbon dioxide.

When coal is burnt in power stations which oxides can be released which can react with water vapour in clouds to form acid rain?

the sulphur is a base in fossil fuels (in this case coal). when the coal burns the sulphur reacts with the oxygen in the air to produce sulphur dioxide which reacts with water vapour to form acid rain

Is burning of coal a physical change?

Burning of coal is a chemical change, not a physical change. During the burning process, the chemical composition of coal changes as it reacts with oxygen to produce heat, light, and ash.