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The lard sample will require more KOH for complete saponification. This is because lard is a saturated fat, and therefore the molecules are more closely packed together. This means that there are more bonds that need to be broken in order to saponify the fat.

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David Denton

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βˆ™ 1y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

Cottonseed oil will require more KOH for complete saponification because it contains more unsaturated fats like oleic and linoleic acid, which have larger molecular weights compared to the saturated fats found in lard. Unsaturated fats contain more double bonds that need to be cleaved during saponification, requiring more KOH to fully react.

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Q: Which fat sample will require more KOH for complete saponification cottonseed oil or the same mass of lard?
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What is the meanig of saponification number?

The saponification number is a measure of the amount of alkali needed to saponify a certain weight of fat or oil. It indicates the average molecular weight of the fatty acids present in a sample. A higher saponification number indicates a higher average molecular weight of the fats or oils.

How do you calculate saponification value?

To calculate saponification value, you divide the molecular weight of the fat or oil by its average number of ester linkages. The molecular weight of the fat or oil is the sum of the molecular weights of its fatty acids and glycerol. The saponification value is expressed in milligrams of potassium hydroxide (KOH) required to saponify one gram of the fat or oil.

What information does the saponification number give about fatty acid?

The saponification number of a fatty acid indicates the amount of alkali required to saponify a specific weight of the fatty acid. It is used to determine the average molecular weight of the fatty acid and is useful in determining the purity of the fatty acid sample.

How much urine do they require for sample?

Most healthcare facilities require at least 30 milliliters (mL) of urine for a urine sample. This amount provides an adequate volume for testing while ensuring accurate results. It’s important to follow specific instructions provided by your healthcare provider for proper collection.

Why do I need a purple top blood test?

A purple top blood test, also known as an ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) test, is commonly used for complete blood count (CBC) tests. It helps to preserve the blood sample by preventing it from clotting, which is important for accurate results in tests that require whole blood.

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Why does triacylglycerides with longer fatty acids have lower saponification number than those shorter fatty acids?

Triacylglycerides with longer fatty acids have lower saponification numbers because longer fatty acids contain more carbon-carbon double bonds, which reduce the number of free fatty acid molecules available for saponification. The presence of double bonds makes the molecule less accessible to the base used in saponification reactions.

What is the meanig of saponification number?

The saponification number is a measure of the amount of alkali needed to saponify a certain weight of fat or oil. It indicates the average molecular weight of the fatty acids present in a sample. A higher saponification number indicates a higher average molecular weight of the fats or oils.

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How do you calculate saponification value?

To calculate saponification value, you divide the molecular weight of the fat or oil by its average number of ester linkages. The molecular weight of the fat or oil is the sum of the molecular weights of its fatty acids and glycerol. The saponification value is expressed in milligrams of potassium hydroxide (KOH) required to saponify one gram of the fat or oil.

What sample size is sufficient for stat?

A sample size of one is sufficient to enable you to calculate a statistic.The sample size required for a "good" statistical estimate will depend on the variability of the characteristic being studied as well as the accuracy required in the result. A rare characteristic will require a large sample. A high degree of accuracy will also require a large sample.

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A blood glucose test will require that you have blood drawn for a blood sample so that your glucose levels can be determined to be normal or not. Getting a blood sample will require that a lab technician perform a phlebotomoy where a small needle is used to pierce the skin and draw a small blood sample from the body.

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Would you please be sure to complete your question when you resubmit it.

When a researcher limits a sample to a group of his or her personal friends in order to minimize non-response errors the sample is referred to as?

A complete waste of everyone's time!

When should a phlebotomist label a blood sample?

after drawing blood and complete blood etraction

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There is no CAT sample test online, but there is some questions you can complete online that might be in the

What information does the saponification number give about fatty acid?

The saponification number of a fatty acid indicates the amount of alkali required to saponify a specific weight of the fatty acid. It is used to determine the average molecular weight of the fatty acid and is useful in determining the purity of the fatty acid sample.