Boron (B) has the highest ionization energy among the elements listed.
The element with the longest covalent radius among Li, B, N, and F is Li. This is because as you move down a group in the periodic table, the atomic radius increases due to the addition of new electron shells. The covalent radius generally follows this trend.
These symbols represent chemical elements: Br - bromine, N - nitrogen, Cl - chlorine, H - hydrogen, O - oxygen, F - fluorine. Each element has its own unique set of properties and is represented by a symbol on the periodic table of elements.
There are more than one. They are F, O and N
Gold (Au) will hold its electrons most tightly, as it has the highest electronegativity of the elements listed. Electronegativity is a measure of an atom's ability to attract and hold onto electrons.
Boron has the largest empirical atomic radius: 85 pm.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main(void) { float a,b,c=0, d=0, e=0,f=0; printf("Please enter two numbers:\n"); scanf("%f %f", &a, &b); c=a+b; d=a-b; e=a*b; f=a/b; printf("The sum of %f and %f is :%f\n", a,b,c); printf("The subtraction of %f and %f is :%f\n", a,b,d); printf("The multiplication of %f and %f is :%f\n", a,b,e); printf("The division of %f by %f is :%f\n",a,b,f); getch(); }
void main() { int a,b,c; clrscr(); printf("Enter the value of a:"); scanf("%d",&a); printf("\nEnter the value of b:"); scanf("%d",&b); printf("\nEnter the value of c:"); scanf("%d",&c); if(a>b) { if(a>c) { if(b>c) { printf("c is smallest\n"); printf("b is middle\n"); printf("a is largest\n"); } else { printf("b is smallest\n"); printf("c is middle\n"); printf("a is largest\n"); } } else { printf("b is smallest\n"); printf("a is middle\n"); printf("c is largest\n"); } } else if(b>c) { if(a>c) { printf("c is smallest\n"); printf("a is middle\n"); printf("b is largest\n"); } else { printf("a is smallest\n"); printf("c is middle\n"); printf("b is largest\n"); } } else { printf("a is smallest\n"); printf("b is middle\n"); printf("c is largest\n"); } getch(); }
The most active element is fluorine (F) because it has the highest electronegativity of the options listed, meaning it has a strong tendency to attract and bond with other atoms.
ITS EASY...TRY THIS OUT..TRAPEZOIDAL METHOD#include#include#includefloat valcal(float x){return (x*x*x);}int main(){float a,b,h,c,I;int n,i;printf("THE TRAPEZOIDAL RULE:\n");printf("---------------------");printf("\n\n\nEnter the two limits and the no. of divisions:\n");scanf("%f %f %d",&a, &b, &n);h=(b-a)/n;//printf("\nVALUE of h: %f\n", h);c=a;I=valcal(a)+valcal(b);//printf("\nVALUE FOR a: %f\n", valcal(a));//printf("\nVALUE FOR b: %f\n", valcal(b));for(i=1;i=b){printf("\n\nc>b\n\n");break;}//printf("\nVALUE FOR %f: is %f\n",c, valcal(c));I=I+(2*valcal(c));//printf("\nI right now is %f", I);}printf("\n\n\nThe integration of x*x*x is: %f",(h*I)/2);printf("\n\n\n");system("pause");}SIMPSON'S 1/3RD METHOD#include#include#includefloat valcal(float x){return (1/(1+x*x));}int main(){float a,b,h,c,I;int n,i;printf("THE SIMPSON'S ONE-THIRD RULE:\n");printf("------------------------------");printf("\n\n\nEnter the two limits and the no. of divisions:\n");scanf("%f %f %d",&a, &b, &n);h=(b-a)/n;//printf("\nVALUE of h: %f\n", h);c=a;I=valcal(a)+valcal(b);//printf("\nVALUE FOR a: %f\n", valcal(a));//printf("\nVALUE FOR b: %f\n", valcal(b));for(i=1;ib){printf("\n\nc>b\n\n");break;}//printf("\nVALUE FOR %f: is %f\n",c, valcal(c));if(i%2==0)I=I+(2*valcal(c));elseI=I+4*valcal(c);//printf("\nI right now is %f", I);}printf("\n\n\nThe integration of x*x*x is: %f",(h*I)/3);printf("\n\n\n");system("pause");}NEED MORE HELP...MAIL ME YOUR PROB... SEE YA
∫ f'(x)(af(x) + b)n dx = (af(x) + b)n + 1/[a(n + 1)] + C C is the constant of integration.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int a[100]; int n,largest,index,position; printf("enter the number of elements in the array"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("enter %d elements",n); for(index=0;index<n;index++) scanf("%d",&a[index]); largest=a[0]; position=0; for(index=1;index<n;index++) if(a[index]>largest) { largest=a[index]; position=index; } printf("largest element in the array is %d\n",largest); printf("largets element's position in the array is %d\n",position+1); getch(); }
Boron (B) has the highest ionization energy among the elements listed.
S b n s s f b f s f n f 7 4 1 7 7 5 3 2 6 1
T| Capitals on the notes signify sharps (the black keys) A| B| Also see my Alicia Keys tab of the Empire State of Mind 2 for the chords! N| PEACE! A| ~Steph~ B| B| E| R5|F-F-F----- R| R4|F-F-F----- .| L3|F-F-F-F--- C| L3|----C----- O| L2|b-b---F--- M| -| R6|F-F-F---F---F---F-F-F--- T| R6|C-C-C---C---C---C-C-C--- A| R5|A-A-A---A---A---A-A-A--- B| N| L3|F-f----- A| L3|C-C----- B| L2|----b--- B| L2|----F--- E| L1|----b--- R| .| R6|F-F-F---F---F---F-F-F--- C| R6|C-C-C---C---C---C-C-C--- O| R5|A-A-A---A---A---A-A-A--- M| -| L3|F-F-F--- T| L3|--C----- A| L2|b---F--- B| N| R6|F-F-F---F---F---F-F-F--- A| R6|C-C-C---C---C---C-C-C--- B| R5|A-A-A---A---A---A-A-A--- B| E| L3|F-f----- R| L3|C-C----- .| L2|----b--- C| L2|----F--- O| L1|----b---
The element with the longest covalent radius among Li, B, N, and F is Li. This is because as you move down a group in the periodic table, the atomic radius increases due to the addition of new electron shells. The covalent radius generally follows this trend.
Factor 2n2 - 44n + 242 = f(n) the quick way: f(n) = 2 (n2 - 22n + 121) notice by sight that 22 is 2 * 11 and 121 is 11 squared. Set b = 11 f(n) = 2 (n2 - 2bn + b2 ) Now, factor the expression in brackets. The + and - signs show that both factors will have minus signs, so expect the form (a - b)(c -d). Check that both n and b occur in the middle term, so (n-b)(n-b) and therefore, f(n) = 2 (n - 11)2 Which is the answer.