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Any element in the alkali metal group would have similar chemical properties, for example they all react easily to water.

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3mo ago

Sodium and lithium are two elements that have properties similar to potassium. They all belong to the alkali metal group and share similar chemical reactivity due to having one electron in their outer shell.

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12y ago

Any element in Potassium's group (Group 1 - Alkali Metals) will have very similar properties. Elements in Potassium's Group;

Lithium (Li)

Sodium (Na)

Rubidium (Rb)

Caesium (Cs)

Francium (Fr)

Properties of this group include;

One electron in the outer shell.

Very reactive in Water, and slightly less so in Oxygen

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14y ago

Rubidium is usually considered closest in chemical properties to potassium.

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12y ago

all the elements in group one.

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Q: What elements has properties similar to potassium?
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What are to two element that have properties similar to those of the element sodium?

Two elements that have properties similar to sodium are lithium and potassium. They are all alkali metals located in the same group of the periodic table, which means they share similar chemical reactivity and properties.

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Two elements with similar properties to potassium are sodium and lithium. They are all alkali metals located in the same group of the periodic table, which means they have similar chemical behaviors such as reactivity and tendency to form ionic compounds.

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Elements in the same group or column on the periodic table have similar properties. This is because they have the same number of valence electrons, which determines their chemical behavior. For example, all elements in Group 1 (such as lithium, sodium, potassium) share similar properties due to having one valence electron.

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Two elements that have properties similar to potassium are sodium and rubidium due to their chemical similarities in the same group on the periodic table, known as Group 1 or alkali metals. Krypton's properties are more similar to other noble gases such as xenon and neon, as they all share similar valence electron configurations and chemical behavior.

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Yes, they have similar chemical properties.

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Potassium is the element that has chemical properties most similar to sodium. Both elements belong to Group 1 of the periodic table, which means they have similar characteristics such as reactivity and the ability to form similar types of compounds.

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Potassium is most likely to have similar properties to sodium, as they belong to the same group (Group 1) in the periodic table. Both elements have one electron in their outer shell, which makes them highly reactive and likely to form similar compounds.

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Elements in the same group of the periodic table have the most similar chemical properties. For example, elements in Group 1 (such as lithium, sodium, potassium) or Group 17 (fluorine, chlorine, bromine) will have similar properties due to their shared number of valence electrons and outer electron configuration.

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These elements have similar chemical and physical properties.

How can you tell using the periodic table that sodium and potassium are similar?

You can tell by the location, and the fact that they are both in the same column. Elements in the same column (or group) have similar properties.

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Elements in the same group or column of the periodic table have the same number of valence electrons and similar chemical properties. For example, all elements in Group 1 (e.g. lithium, sodium, potassium) have 1 valence electron and exhibit similar reactivity.

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You would likely find five elements with very similar properties in the same group of the periodic table. For example, elements in Group 1 (alkali metals) like lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, and cesium share similar characteristics such as being soft, highly reactive metals with low melting points and easily losing electron to form cations.