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Carbon dioxide will be found in the beaker with growing peas, as plants undergo photosynthesis and release oxygen as a byproduct. Boiling the peas will kill them, halting the process of photosynthesis and the release of carbon dioxide.

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Q: Which beaker will carbon dioxide be in if a beaker has growing peas in it or a beaker that has boiled peas in it?
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Why does boiling remove carbon dioxide from antacid mixture?

Boiling removes carbon dioxide from an antacid mixture because carbon dioxide is a gas that can escape when heated. When the mixture is boiled, the carbon dioxide bubbles out of the solution, which reduces the effectiveness of the antacid in neutralizing stomach acid.

What difference would you expect to see in the bicarbonate indicator in beakers A and B if beaker A had pumped air and beaker B had blown air in it?

Beaker A with pumped air would have higher levels of dissolved carbon dioxide, leading to a decrease in pH and a color change in the bicarbonate indicator. In contrast, beaker B with blown air would have lower levels of dissolved carbon dioxide and maintain a more stable pH, resulting in less color change in the bicarbonate indicator.

How do you do the limewater test?

To perform the limewater test, add a small amount of limewater to the substance you want to test. If the substance contains carbon dioxide, the limewater will turn milky due to the formation of calcium carbonate. This indicates the presence of carbon dioxide in the substance.

Is carbon dioxide an element or carbon?

Carbon is an element, and carbon dioxide is a compound containing carbon and oxygen molecules.

In a solution of carbon dioxide in water a soft drink the carbon dioxide is the solute?

Yes, in a solution of carbon dioxide in water, the carbon dioxide gas is the solute and the water is the solvent. The carbon dioxide dissolves in the water to form a homogenous mixture, giving the drink its fizziness.

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What will happen to candle in a beaker if carbon dioxide is added?

It'll go out

Was any gas released in the flask with the boiled yeast mixture?

carbon dioxide

What Plants absorb the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide during the process of growing?

All trees, leaves and growing vegetation absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Why does unboiled water shows to have carbon dioxide than boiled water?

At high temperature carbon doxide is released.

Does water turn into carbon dioxide when boiled?

No, that's impossible. Water becomes steam when it boils, and that's just water in the gas phase. Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen. There are no carbon atoms there to form carbon dioxide, and carbon dioxide contains no hydrogen.

What is the gas called from bubbling growing yeast?

carbon dioxide

Why does boiling remove carbon dioxide from antacid mixture?

Boiling removes carbon dioxide from an antacid mixture because carbon dioxide is a gas that can escape when heated. When the mixture is boiled, the carbon dioxide bubbles out of the solution, which reduces the effectiveness of the antacid in neutralizing stomach acid.

What difference would you expect to see in the bicarbonate indicator in beakers A and B if beaker A had pumped air and beaker B had blown air in it?

Beaker A with pumped air would have higher levels of dissolved carbon dioxide, leading to a decrease in pH and a color change in the bicarbonate indicator. In contrast, beaker B with blown air would have lower levels of dissolved carbon dioxide and maintain a more stable pH, resulting in less color change in the bicarbonate indicator.

Plants absorb the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide during the process of .?

All trees, leaves and growing vegetation absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Does a plant need light to continue growing if it has a lot of carbon dioxide?

Yes. Carbon isn't by itself sufficient

What is the major source of weight gain in a growing plant?

The major source of weight gain in a growing plant is through photosynthesis. Plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose, which is then used to build new plant tissues, such as leaves, stems, and roots. This process allows plants to grow and increase in weight.

If a beaker full of vinegar and baking soda is tilted over a lit candle with out spilling any liquid solution out then why does the flame go out?

When vinegar and baking soda mix, they react to form an gas called carbon dioxide (CO2) which is heavier than air. The flame needs oxygen (O2) to burn. When the beaker is tilted, it spills the heavy carbon dioxide gas over the flame and suffocates it.