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Nitrates are ionic compounds that are formed with a cation (a positive ion) which is typically a metallic element with the polyatomic (many atom) ion nitrate (NO3). Therefore, nitrates always have 1 nitrogen atom and three oxygen atoms in addition to what ever atoms are in the cation to which it is bonded. An example would be potassium nitrate (KNO3) or silver nitrate (AgNO3)

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Nitrates usually contain nitrogen and oxygen atoms along with one or more additional elements, such as potassium, sodium, or calcium. The nitrogen atom is typically bonded to three oxygen atoms in the nitrate ion (NO3-).

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What is the molecular mass weight for nitrates?

Nitrate is a molecule with one nitrogen atom and three oxygen atoms. It has a molecular mass of 62 g/mol. Nitrates are found in many different fertilisers.

Does nitrates or nitrites contain more oxygen atoms?

Nitrates (NO3-) contain more oxygen atoms than nitrites (NO2-). Nitrates have three oxygen atoms, while nitrites have two oxygen atoms.

What chemical contains nitrates?

Sodium nitrate (NaNO3) and potassium nitrate (KNO3) are two common chemicals that contain nitrates. Nitrates are also found in fertilizers and explosives.

What is sentence for nitrates?

Nitrates are compounds often found in fertilizers and can also be naturally occurring in soil and groundwater. Excessive levels of nitrates in drinking water can be harmful to human health, particularly to infants and pregnant women.

Is a nitrate aqueous or solid?

Nitrate is typically found in aqueous form as nitrates are highly soluble in water. Solid nitrates can form as crystals but are generally more commonly found dissolved in water.

Are phosphates and nitrates the same?

No, phosphates and nitrates are not the same. Phosphates are compounds containing phosphorus and oxygen, while nitrates are compounds containing nitrogen and oxygen. Both can be found in fertilizers and can contribute to water pollution if they are not managed properly.

What chemicals found in fertilizers can affect water quality?

nitrates. they feed algae.

What do nitrates contain?

Nitrates contain nitrogen and oxygen atoms, usually in the form of NO3-. They are commonly found in fertilizers, food preservatives, and explosives. Nitrates can also be naturally occurring in soil and water.

What compounds contain one nitrogen atom for every three oxygen atoms?

Nitrous oxide (N2O) contains one nitrogen atom for every three oxygen atoms.

Why are nitrates important?

Nitrates are important because they are essential nutrients for plant growth and are commonly found in fertilizers. They help plants with processes like photosynthesis, growth, and reproduction. However, excess nitrates can lead to water pollution and have negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems.

Does lantus contain nitrates?

No, Lantus (insulin glargine) does not contain nitrates. Nitrates are commonly found in medications used to treat chest pain (angina) or heart conditions. Lantus is a long-acting insulin used to control blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

How would you use nitrates in a sentence?

nitrates are chemically salts. nitrates Can be used as fertilizers.