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" (SO4)2- 32 total electrons: 6 per atom plus 2

grrr it wont get the spaces right. its 4 oxygen around a sulfur, all single bonds. each oxygen has 6 extra electrons around it

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

The correct Lewis electron-dot diagram for sulfur-33 would show the symbol S with six dots around it placed evenly on all four sides of the symbol. This represents the 6 valence electrons in the sulfur atom.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

A neutral sulfur atom has 6 electrons, regardless of the isotope. The lewis dot structure would have a pair of dots on two sides of the symbol S, and a single dot on the other two sides, for a total of 6 dots. Refer to the related link for an illustration.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

3 single bonds around Si and 3 bond pairs around each O

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βˆ™ 10y ago

8 dots around

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Q: What is the correct Lewis electron-dot diagram for an atom of sulfur- 33?
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Nitrogen has five valence electrons what is the correct Lewis diagram for atomic nitrogen?

The correct Lewis diagram for atomic nitrogen shows one nitrogen atom with a single unpaired electron in its outer shell, surrounded by three pairs of electrons (a total of 5 valence electrons). This results in a total of five electrons being shown in the diagram.

What is the Lewis dot diagram for lithium bromine carbon hydrogen silver oxygen iron oxygen potassium bromine and oxygine oxigine?

Lithium: Li has 1 valence electron, so its Lewis dot diagram is Li: . Bromine: Br has 7 valence electrons, so its Lewis dot diagram is :Br:. Carbon: C has 4 valence electrons, so its Lewis dot diagram is :C:. Hydrogen: H has 1 valence electron, so its Lewis dot diagram is H: . Silver: Ag has 1 valence electron, so its Lewis dot diagram is Ag: . Oxygen: O has 6 valence electrons, so its Lewis dot diagram is :O:. Iron: Fe has 2 valence electrons, so its Lewis dot diagram is :Fe:. Potassium: K has 1 valence electron, so its Lewis dot diagram is K: . Oxygine: I'm not familiar with an element called "oxygine". It may be a misspelling of oxygen. If so, refer to oxygen's Lewis dot diagram above.

Which element would you expect to have a Lewis symbol similar to that of sulfur?

Oxygen would have a Lewis symbol similar to that of sulfur, as they are in the same group in the periodic table and have the same number of valence electrons (6).

What is the Lewis dot diagram for calcium and fluorine?

The Lewis dot diagram for calcium (Ca) has 2 dots on the symbol "Ca" representing its two valence electrons. The Lewis dot diagram for fluorine (F) has 7 dots surrounding the symbol "F," representing its seven valence electrons.

What kind of diagrams are sodium oxygen and neon?

Sodium and neon are both represented by Lewis dot diagrams, which show the valence electrons of the atoms. Oxygen is often represented by a Lewis structure diagram, which shows the arrangement of atoms and the sharing of electrons in a molecule.

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Which group of the periodic table is represented by the electrondot symbol x 6?

These would be the elements in group 16. The elements in group 16 have six valence electrons. Those valence electrons are represented in a Lewis diagram by surrounding them with six dots. When drawing a diagram for an element with six valence electrons, there should be two pairs of dots (four total), and two separate dots.

What is dot diagram for SiS2?

The Lewis dot diagram for SiS2 would show Silicon (Si) at the center with one sulfur (S) atom on each side. Each sulfur atom would have six dots around it to represent its valence electrons, while silicon would have four dots around it.

Nitrogen has five valence electrons what is the correct Lewis diagram for atomic nitrogen?

The correct Lewis diagram for atomic nitrogen shows one nitrogen atom with a single unpaired electron in its outer shell, surrounded by three pairs of electrons (a total of 5 valence electrons). This results in a total of five electrons being shown in the diagram.

What is the Lewis dot diagram for sulfur?

sulfur has six valence electrons. Put 2 at the top of sulfur, two more at left, then one at right and one below. Add a hydrogen atom (each with one electron) at the single electron places of sulfur. sulfur gets the octet, each hydrogen gets 2 electrons to fill up its little orbital.

What is a synonym for Lewis diagram?

A synonym for Lewis diagram is Lewis structure. It is a schematic representation of the bonding between atoms in a molecule and the arrangement of valence electrons around atoms.

Which Lewis dot diagram is correct for an atom of Uut?

It is not possible to draw a Lewis dot diagram for an atom of Ununtrium (Uut) as it is a synthetic element and its properties are not well known. Lewis dot diagrams are typically used for elements where the number of valence electrons is well defined.

Does a Lewis dot diagram show only the valence electrons?

Yes, in a Lewis diagram, the valence electrons are shown by dots around them.

What is the Lewis dot diagram for H2S?

In the Lewis dot diagram for H2S, hydrogen (H) has one dot each, and sulfur (S) has six dots around it. Each hydrogen atom forms a single bond with the sulfur atom, resulting in a total of two pairs of electrons shared between sulfur and hydrogen.

What is the Lewis dot diagram for lithium bromine carbon hydrogen silver oxygen iron oxygen potassium bromine and oxygine oxigine?

Lithium: Li has 1 valence electron, so its Lewis dot diagram is Li: . Bromine: Br has 7 valence electrons, so its Lewis dot diagram is :Br:. Carbon: C has 4 valence electrons, so its Lewis dot diagram is :C:. Hydrogen: H has 1 valence electron, so its Lewis dot diagram is H: . Silver: Ag has 1 valence electron, so its Lewis dot diagram is Ag: . Oxygen: O has 6 valence electrons, so its Lewis dot diagram is :O:. Iron: Fe has 2 valence electrons, so its Lewis dot diagram is :Fe:. Potassium: K has 1 valence electron, so its Lewis dot diagram is K: . Oxygine: I'm not familiar with an element called "oxygine". It may be a misspelling of oxygen. If so, refer to oxygen's Lewis dot diagram above.

Which element would you expect to have a Lewis symbol similar to that of sulfur?

Oxygen would have a Lewis symbol similar to that of sulfur, as they are in the same group in the periodic table and have the same number of valence electrons (6).

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What is the Lewis dot diagram for Ra?

The Lewis dot diagram for Ra (Radium) would show one dot representing the single valence electron in the outer shell of the element.