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Chlorine is most commonly found in salt, "sodium chloride." Potassium chloride (KCl, aka sylvite) is another common chlorine containing mineral.

Chlorine may be extracted from these salts and used to treat municipal water supplies to prevent cholera and other water born illnesses. Chlorine may also be placed in man made Swimming Pools to inhibit bacterial growth.

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4mo ago

Chlorine is most commonly found in table salt (sodium chloride) and in swimming pools as a disinfectant. Additionally, chlorine is present in household cleaning products and bleach.

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Where is chlorine most commonly found?

Pools ;)

How is chlorine commonly found in nature?

Chlorine is commonly found in nature as the chloride ion, which is the negatively charged form of chlorine. It is most commonly found in salt compounds like sodium chloride (table salt) and potassium chloride. It can also be found in seawater, minerals, and underground brine deposits.

Is chlorine commonly found?

No, it is made out of salt

Most abundant halogen?

The most abundant halogen on Earth is chlorine. It is commonly found in seawater, salt deposits, and as part of various minerals.

Where to found chlorine in nature?

Chlorine is not typically found in its elemental form in nature. It is most commonly found in compounds such as sodium chloride (table salt) and in minerals like halite. Chlorine gas can also be produced from saltwater through a process called electrolysis.

What element is commonly found in a compound with chlorine?


Where is chlorine most commonly found other than pools?

It is used to disinfect drinking water in municipal water systems.

The chlorine is an rare element or abundant?

Chlorine is an abundant element and is the 21st most abundant element in Earth's crust. It is commonly found in the form of chloride salts in seawater, rocks, and minerals.

Is chlorine a solution?

Chlorine is a chemical element (Cl) that is commonly found in its diatomic form as a gas (Cl2). It can also be dissolved in water to form a solution known as chlorine water, which is commonly used as a disinfectant.

Why is chlorine found in plastic?

Chlorine is found in plastic because it is commonly used in the production of PVC (polyvinyl chloride). PVC is a versatile and widely used type of plastic that often contains chlorine as a key component in its chemical structure.

Is chlorine found in any common materials?

Yes, chlorine is commonly found in household cleaning products like bleach, PVC plastic, and swimming pool disinfectants.

Sodium is most commonly found as part of a compound with chlorine?

Yes, sodium chloride (NaCL, table salt) is a very known and useful mineral.