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From the energy stored in light.

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4mo ago

The energy to make NADPH in the light reactions of photosynthesis comes from sunlight. Light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll molecules in the chloroplasts of plant cells, which triggers a series of reactions that ultimately produce NADPH.

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Q: Where does the energy come from to make NADPHin the light reactant?
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Why is it necessary to identify the limiting reactant when you want to know how much product will form in a chemical reaction?

Identifying the limiting reactant allows you to determine which reactant will be completely consumed first, thereby limiting the amount of product that can be formed. This information is crucial for calculating the maximum amount of product that can be produced in a reaction, ensuring efficient use of reactants.

Where does the heat and light of burning propane come from?

The heat and light produced when burning propane come from the chemical reaction between propane and oxygen. This reaction releases energy in the form of heat and light as the propane molecules break apart and combine with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water vapor.

Where does the energy in an unburned match come from?

The energy in an unburned match comes from the potential energy stored in the chemical bonds of the match head or the striking surface. This potential energy is released in the form of heat and light when the match is ignited and the chemical reaction takes place.

When a match is struck and a flame is ignited where does the energy from the fire come from and where does it go?

The energy from the fire comes from the chemical reaction between the match and the oxygen in the air, releasing heat and light. As the fire burns, this energy is released in the form of heat and light, powering the combustion process. Eventually, this energy dissipates into the surrounding environment as the fire consumes its fuel source.

The which enter into a reaction?

Reactants are the substances that enter into a chemical reaction to form products. They are the starting materials that undergo chemical changes in a reaction.

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Where does the energy come from to make ATP in the light reactant?

From the motion of hydrogen ions

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It comes from light. Light energy is absorbed

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Where does light energy come from?

the sun

Where does the energy come from to light a match?

Chemical energy, stored in the match.

Where does the energy come from to make nadph in the lighte reactions?

from energy used in light.

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The heat energy and light energy of a candle come from the chemical reaction of the candle wax (hydrocarbons) combining with oxygen from the air. This reaction releases energy in the form of heat and light. The heat energy is produced when the chemical bonds are broken and reformed, while the light energy is generated by the incandescence of the soot particles in the flame.

Where does the enegry come from to make ATP at the chloroplast?

it is the sun light. it is stored by pigments.

What 2 kinds of energy come from the sun?

The two main kinds of energy that come from the sun are light energy (solar energy) and heat energy (thermal energy). Solar panels can convert the light energy into electricity, while the heat energy contributes to warming the Earth and driving various weather patterns.

Where does the chemical energy supplied by glucose come from?

sun light

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The light reaction

What waste energy come from a light bulb?

Mainly heat.