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i just learnt this, its: plaque is a sticky film of saliva, food particles and bacteria found on teeth. when the bacteria digests sugary food particals, they produce an acid that can dissalve tooth enamal. saliva has a neutralising effect on yhe acid because it is slightly basic(pH 7.4)

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4mo ago

The acid that causes tooth decay is produced by bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria feed on sugars in food and produce acid as a byproduct, which can erode tooth enamel and cause cavities. Practicing good oral hygiene, such as brushing and flossing regularly, can help reduce the growth of these bacteria and prevent tooth decay.

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Q: Where does the acid that causes tooth decay come from?
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Where does acid from our mouth come from?

Acid in our mouth is primarily produced by bacteria in dental plaque breaking down sugars and carbohydrates from our food. This acid can demineralize tooth enamel and lead to tooth decay if not properly managed through good oral hygiene practices.

Where does fluoride in toothpaste come from?

Fluoride in toothpaste usually comes from two sources: sodium fluoride or stannous fluoride. These are chemical compounds that are added to toothpaste to help prevent tooth decay and strengthen tooth enamel. The fluoride in toothpaste is typically synthetic rather than being derived from natural sources like minerals.

Where does acid in acid rain come from?

Acid in acid rain primarily comes from pollutants like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides released into the atmosphere by human activities, such as burning of fossil fuels in vehicles and industrial processes. These pollutants undergo chemical reactions in the atmosphere to form sulfuric acid and nitric acid, which then combine with water vapor to produce acid rain.

When an atom undergoes radioactive decay the energy released in the reaction comes from what?

The energy released in radioactive decay comes from the conversion of mass from the parent atom into energy according to Einstein's famous equation, E=mc². This energy is released in the form of radiation or kinetic energy of the decay products.

Does phosphorous acid come from potash?

No, phosphorous acid does not come from potash. Potash refers to compounds containing potassium, while phosphorous acid is derived from phosphorus. Phosphorous acid is typically produced by the reaction of white phosphorus with a strong base.

Related questions

Where does the acid that causes tooth decay come from and how can you prevent it?

Bacteria that populate the mouth metabolize simple carbohydrates (sugar) and produce the acid that causes tooth decay. Reducing the bacteria by effective and frequent brushing and flossing can reduce tooth decay. Limiting intake of sugar will also reduce decay. There is also a growing body of research that indicates xylitol as a sugar substitute may also be effective in reducing tooth decay.

Where does acid from our mouth come from?

Acid in our mouth is primarily produced by bacteria in dental plaque breaking down sugars and carbohydrates from our food. This acid can demineralize tooth enamel and lead to tooth decay if not properly managed through good oral hygiene practices.

What is the name of the teeth that cannot come out?

Submerged dentition. If a tooth is stuck and wants to come out but cannot, we call it an impacted tooth. Usually it is a third molar tooth that causes this condition. also known as impacted wisdom tooth.

How do you lose your tooth?

You lose your tooth by not taking care of it! sorry........... It is by tooth decay. The teeth looks rotten and will come out! I will come out and you have to do cleaning in the dentist.....Try to eat harder things like apples , cookies (the hard kind!) etc. wiggle and if you have further pain see a dentist.

How can you get dental caries?

lack of brushing teeth, plaque not being removed on the teeth, acid on the enamel surface of the tooth, bacteria presenting in the mouth, carbohydrates(sugar, and starches) remaining on the surface of the tooth,

What happens to the roots of baby teeth when they fall out?

Not necessarily. If the tooth had extensive decay, the crown of the tooth might come out, leaving the roots still in the jaw.

How does soda rot your teeth?

Soda is a tasty soft drink that most Americans drink at least twelve times a month, soda has many sugars and chemicals in it that rot the protective casing on our teeth called "the weird stuff covering your teeth". Although I do not have the answer, Try finfing someone who does! HAHA!!! >:0) whoever wrote the first letter is a freak and obviously dosent know anything at all so hahaha! the correct answer is what ia am about to tell you soda tends to rot teeth because it erodes the enamel covering the tooth wich is made up of pulp dentin cementum and attachment tissue. cencerly the person who knows more than the one before

What time does the tooth come at?

the tooth fairy comes out when you are asleep. :]

Is there a tooth fairy in Italy?

Tooth fairies are wherever you want them to be. Tell your mum or dad that you want the tooth fairy to come and visit you when your tooth comes out. They know how the fairy knows when to come.

Where does the sour taste come from in foods such as chesee and yogurt?

Lactic acid produced by fermentation.

Is it normal to have fillings as a kid?

Normal, no - common, yes. The effect of sugary foods and insufficient brushing causes tooth decay requiring dental treatment in order to save the teeth. Once 'adult' teeth come through it is even more important to look after your teeth and regular brushing along with regular checks by a dentist is a good way to look after them.

When you pull a puppy tooth will adult tooth still come in?

Have a vet do it.