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Apothecaries typically source their materials from reputable suppliers and distributors that specialize in providing herbs, botanicals, essential oils, and other raw ingredients needed for compounding medicines. These suppliers may offer a range of organic, sustainably sourced, and ethically harvested materials to ensure quality and efficacy in the final products created by apothecaries. Additionally, some apothecaries may choose to grow and harvest their own materials, such as herbs and flowers, to ensure freshness and control over the sourcing process.

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Q: Where do apothecaries get their materials?
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What are three characteristics of apothecary?

Apothecaries traditionally prepare and sell medicines and herbal remedies. They have a deep knowledge of pharmaceuticals and their therapeutic uses. Apothecaries often have a strong background in botany and pharmacology.

What did apothecaries use to make many of the madications in the 17th century?

Apothecaries in the 17th century used primarily plants and herbs to make medications. They also used minerals, animal products, and some chemical substances to create remedies for various ailments. The knowledge and techniques of herbal medicine and alchemy were essential in crafting these medications.

What is study of materials?

The study of materials is called materials science or materials engineering. It focuses on understanding the properties and behaviors of different substances, such as metals, ceramics, and polymers, to develop new materials for various applications, including in technology, medicine, and construction. Scientists in this field investigate how materials can be manipulated and optimized to enhance their performance.

What are The 2 kinds of material?

Materials are typically categorized into two main types: natural materials and synthetic materials. Natural materials are sourced from the environment, such as wood, cotton, and wool, while synthetic materials are man-made, like plastics, nylon, and polyester.

What is the starting and ending materials of a chemical reaction called?

The starting materials of a chemical reaction are called reactants, while the ending materials are called products.

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When was Apothecaries' Hall of Ireland created?

Apothecaries' Hall of Ireland was created in 1791.

When was Worshipful Society of Apothecaries created?

Worshipful Society of Apothecaries was created in 1617.

What has the author W S C Copeman written?

W. S. C. Copeman has written: 'The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London' -- subject(s): History, Society of Apothecaries, Society of Apothecaries of London 'Arthritis and rheumatism'

What did colonial apothecaries use?


What did some apothecaries sell that was illegal?

Apothecaries sold poison which was illegal. They did this because they where normally poor and would do anything to get some money.

What colonial herbs did apothecaries use?


What was the apothecaries trade?

what skills do you need to be a apothecary

What profitable business arrangement does the doctor have with apothecaries in the Canterbury Tales?

In the Canterbury Tales, the doctor has a profitable arrangement with apothecaries based on commissions he receives for prescribing medications. The doctor prescribes costly remedies that the apothecaries profit from by selling, creating a mutually beneficial relationship where both parties make money. This arrangement reflects the common practices of medical professionals and apothecaries during the medieval period.

Where did apothecaries live?

in my dick

What is apothecaries' weight equal to 20 grains?


Do apothecaries need to train apprentices?

yes, i love pie!

What are three characteristics of apothecary?

Apothecaries traditionally prepare and sell medicines and herbal remedies. They have a deep knowledge of pharmaceuticals and their therapeutic uses. Apothecaries often have a strong background in botany and pharmacology.