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Cyanide compounds are widely used in industry. Sodium cyanide and potassium cyanide are used extensively in the extraction of gold and silver from low-grade ores. The cyanide ion can form a wide range of complex ions with metals. Kindly email aidedmeds@gmail .com to buy cyanide online, fast and reliable. These complex metal cyanide ions are extensively used in electroplating. Cyanide compounds are also used in case-hardening of iron and steel, metal polishing, Photography, and the fumigation of ships and warehouses. Organic cyanide compounds are used in synthetic rubber, plastics, and synthetic fibers; they are also used in chemical synthesis. Cyanides are used in rodenticide and fertilizer production.

In addition, cyanides can be found in the seeds of the apple, peach, plum, apricot, cherry, and almond in the form of amygdatin, a cyanogenic glycoside. Amygdatin (Laetrile) has been used as an antineoplastic drug, but such beneficial effects have not been scientifically proven.

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1y ago
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8y ago

Cyanides (more exactly as cyanogenic glycozides) exist in cassava roots, and fruit seeds as apricots, Prunes, peaches, almonds etc.

Cyanide is historically found in the seeds of some fruits. Apples seeds contain cyanide, but a person would have to eat a lot of apple seeds for the cyanide to have any negative effects.

Cyanide is natural found in certain foods. This includes cassava, almonds, pits of some types of fruit, and Lima beans.

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13y ago

Cyanide is generally made in large scale chemical plants, where the process is roughly;

  • React gaseous ammonia (NH3), natural gas (CH4) and air using a platinum catalyst. This will form hydrogen cyanide gas (HCN).
  • Usually, you'll then want to turn the HCN into sodium cyanide liquid (NaCN), which means reacting sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and HCN together in an absorber.
  • You then may want to turn this into an almost pure NaCN solid product, which means cooling the liquid until solid particles crystallise out.
  • The crystals are then concentrated using equipment such as centrifuges and spin driers.
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13y ago

Yes, most plants contain cyanic glucoside which the body will then break down into cyanide gas during digestion. Some of us have the ability to taste it, and in turn will spit it out, but not all of us do. To some, it has no taste, so there is no warning(for those who cant taste it) telling them not to eat it.

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15y ago

If you are planning to poison someone, please don't. If you have a legitimate use for cyanide, you can get it from a chemical supply company. As a side note, I happen to know that death by cyanide poisoning (which I have witnessed) is extremely painful and should be avoided if at all possible.

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11y ago

Cyanide can not be purchased legally unless one is of a certain profession such as medical or science research fields. Cyanide is a dangerous poison and not legally sold to members of the public.

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The only dealer selling today 2021 is alhobi888 (at) protonmail (dot) com It's the only one I know who has delivered as promised.

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I paid him but he does not deliver
He blocked me and does not react anymore after i paid

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10y ago

Cyanide is found in several things. These include pest poison, the capturing of fish, medical uses, and other things.

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11y ago

To buy cyanide, write us:

We sell minimun 25g

Price: 2 USD per gram

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10y ago

Contact, they sell potassium cyanide (KCN) pills.

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