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When you put water in a glass you fill it up.

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' fill '

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Q: When you put water in a glass you ---- it up Rhymes withpill and fall?
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What happened to the water in a glass when turned upside down?

When a glass of water is turned upside down, the water does not fall out due to the presence of air pressure pushing against the water, creating a vacuum inside the glass. This vacuum holds the water in place, creating a seal that prevents the water from spilling out.

Why do water droplets form on the surface of a cold drinking glass?

Water droplets form on the surface of a cold drinking glass because the air surrounding the glass can hold only a certain amount of water vapor. When the glass is colder than the dew-point temperature (temperature at which air becomes saturated with water vapor) of the air, water vapor in the air condenses into liquid water droplets on the cold surface of the glass.

Why does moisture condense on the outside of a glass of cold water?

Moisture condenses on the outside of a glass of cold water when warm air comes into contact with the cold surface of the glass. The air cools down upon contact, causing the water vapor in the air to condense and form water droplets on the outside of the glass.

What are the plastic ring's around graduated cylinders?

The plastic rings around graduated cylinders are bumpers designed to protect the glass cylinder from damage if it is accidentally knocked or dropped. They help to absorb impact and prevent the glass from breaking.

Why doesn't a glass of water freeze solid when ice cubes added to it?

Adding ice cubes to a glass of water lowers the overall temperature of the water, but the water is not likely to freeze solid because it takes time for the ice to melt and for the entire system to reach thermal equilibrium. The water may reach a lower temperature but would typically need more time or lower temperatures for a complete freeze to occur.

Related questions

Does fall rhyme with lure?

No. Please see the related links for "What rhymes with fall?" and "What rhymes with lure?"

What rhymes with fall out?

Call out.

Explain why the cardboard did not fall to the ground when the glass of water was tipped upside down?

The cardboard did not fall to the ground when the glass of water was tipped upside down because the air pressure on the top surface of the cardboard was greater than the water pressure holding it down. This created a force that pushed the cardboard against the glass and prevented it from falling.

What happened to the water in a glass when turned upside down?

When a glass of water is turned upside down, the water does not fall out due to the presence of air pressure pushing against the water, creating a vacuum inside the glass. This vacuum holds the water in place, creating a seal that prevents the water from spilling out.

What will happen to a glass of water when you step out of a spacecraft on the moon?

Nothing will happen. If you step out of a vehicle on the earth carrying a glass of water, what happens? The water remains in the glass. This is because of the earth's gravity. Moon also has gravity. So water will remain in the glass. But when you tip the glass to pour the water there will be a difference.Water will fall towards the surface of the earth six times faster than it will do on the moon.

What rhymes with holloway?

fall away

What happens if water droplets fall on the hot lighted bulb which is ON?

If the water droplet is big enough, the glass will shatter from the fast change in temperature.

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Jeep and fall

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What rhymes with when you fall i get scared?

But don't worry I'll be there