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Q: When you add iodine solution on a starch food the color would be?
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What would happen if you did an experiment in which the iodine solution was placed in the Baggie and the starch was in the beaker?

The iodine solution in the baggie would diffuse into the beaker containing the starch. The iodine molecules would interact with the starch molecules, resulting in the formation of a dark blue or black color, indicating the presence of a starch-iodine complex.

What would happen to cells tested with iodine solution?

Cells that contain starch will turn blue-black when tested with iodine solution, indicating the presence of starch. Cells without starch will not change color in the presence of iodine solution. This test is commonly used to identify the presence of starch in cells.

Would the iodine solution change colour when it is tested on a slice of bread?

No, iodine solution will not change color when tested on a slice of bread. Iodine solution reacts with starch, turning it blue-black. Bread does not contain starch in high enough amounts to produce a noticeable color change.

Which indicator would you use to test starches?


What would happen if there was no starch in the redox titration?

If there is no starch in a redox titration, the iodine produced during the titration might not form a starch-iodine complex, leading to difficulty in detecting the endpoint visually. Starch is commonly used as an indicator to show the presence of excess iodine in the solution by forming a deep blue color. Without starch, it would be challenging to ascertain the exact endpoint of the titration accurately.

Related questions

What color would you see if iodine solution is added to starch?

The color change that occurs when iodine solution is added to starch is a dark blue or purple color. This reaction is commonly used to test for the presence of starch in a solution.

What would happen if you did an experiment in which the iodine solution was placed in the Baggie and the starch was in the beaker?

The iodine solution in the baggie would diffuse into the beaker containing the starch. The iodine molecules would interact with the starch molecules, resulting in the formation of a dark blue or black color, indicating the presence of a starch-iodine complex.

What is the answer A leaf was tested for starch the iodine solution stayed orange what does that tell you about the leaf?

If the iodine solution stays orange after testing a leaf for starch, it indicates that the leaf does not contain starch. Starch would typically turn the iodine solution blue-black in color. Therefore, the orange color suggests that the leaf did not produce a significant amount of starch through photosynthesis.

What would happen to cells tested with iodine solution?

Cells that contain starch will turn blue-black when tested with iodine solution, indicating the presence of starch. Cells without starch will not change color in the presence of iodine solution. This test is commonly used to identify the presence of starch in cells.

A chemical solution used to test starch is?

Iodine solution is commonly used to test for the presence of starch. When iodine solution is added to a sample containing starch, it will turn blue-black in color if starch is present.

Would the iodine solution change colour when it is tested on a slice of bread?

No, iodine solution will not change color when tested on a slice of bread. Iodine solution reacts with starch, turning it blue-black. Bread does not contain starch in high enough amounts to produce a noticeable color change.

Which indicator would you use to test starches?


What would happen if there was no starch in the redox titration?

If there is no starch in a redox titration, the iodine produced during the titration might not form a starch-iodine complex, leading to difficulty in detecting the endpoint visually. Starch is commonly used as an indicator to show the presence of excess iodine in the solution by forming a deep blue color. Without starch, it would be challenging to ascertain the exact endpoint of the titration accurately.

If starch is heated with sulfuric acid for about 2 hours what would the expected result be for a test with iodine on this heated starch solution?

Heating starch with sulfuric acid for 2 hours would likely hydrolyze the starch into simpler sugars. When tested with iodine, the solution may not show the classic blue-black color that indicates the presence of starch because the starch molecules have been broken down. This reaction is due to the acid catalyzing the hydrolysis of the starch into smaller fragments that do not react with iodine in the same way.

Why do you need to add iodine solution to a specimen?

Iodine solution is commonly used to test for starch. If starch is present in a substance (e.g. a leaf which undergone photosynthesis) then the iodien solution would turn blue black. If no starch is present then it remains as light brown.

What happens to the starch granules of the potato cells when Lugol iodine solution was added?

When Lugol iodine solution is added to potato cells, the starch granules present in the cells appear dark blue or black due to the formation of a starch-iodine complex. This color change is used as a test to detect the presence of starch in cells.

What regent would you add to starch agar plate to detect starch hydrolsis?

To detect starch hydrolysis on a starch agar plate, you can add iodine solution. Iodine reacts with starch to form a blue-black color, and if starch is hydrolyzed by the organism, the clear zone around the bacterial growth will indicate the presence of amylase, an enzyme that breaks down starch.