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When the equation is correctly balanced, the sum of the total charge of the reactants is equal to the sum of the total charge of the products. This ensures that the law of conservation of charge is upheld in the chemical reaction.

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Q: When the equation is correctly balanced the sum of the total charge of the reactants is?
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When is an equation correctly balanced?

An equation is correctly balanced when the number of each type of atom is the same on both sides of the equation. This is achieved by adjusting the coefficients of the reactants and products to ensure that the law of conservation of mass is satisfied.

What must be equal in a balanced ionic equation?

In a balanced ionic equation, the number of atoms of each element on both sides of the equation must be equal, as well as the total charge on each side. This is achieved by adjusting the coefficients of the reactants and products to ensure the conservation of mass and charge.

What are the important conditions of a balanced ionic equation?

Important conditions for a balanced ionic equation include ensuring the same number of atoms of each element and the same total charge on both sides of the equation. This involves correctly identifying the ions involved in the reaction and adjusting coefficients as needed. Additionally, charges must be conserved to maintain the integrity of the equation.

How do you tell if a equation is balanced?

An equation is balanced when the number of atoms of each element is equal on both sides of the equation. This means that the total mass and charge is conserved. You can check if an equation is balanced by counting the number of atoms of each element on both sides of the equation and adjusting coefficients as needed.

What information you get from chemical equation?

From a chemical equation, you can determine the reactants involved in the reaction, the products formed, the stoichiometry of the reaction (molar ratios), and the overall chemical change that occurs. It also provides information on the balance of mass and charge in the reaction.

Related questions

When is an equation correctly balanced?

An equation is correctly balanced when the number of each type of atom is the same on both sides of the equation. This is achieved by adjusting the coefficients of the reactants and products to ensure that the law of conservation of mass is satisfied.

Is the products of the reaction shown in a balanced chemical equation?

. A balanced equation is an equation for a chemical reaction in which the number of atoms for each element in the reaction and the total charge is the same for both the reactants and the products. In other words, the mass and the charge are balanced on both sides of the reaction.

What must be equal in a balanced ionic equation?

In a balanced ionic equation, the number of atoms of each element on both sides of the equation must be equal, as well as the total charge on each side. This is achieved by adjusting the coefficients of the reactants and products to ensure the conservation of mass and charge.

What is an imperfectly balanced equation?

An equation for a chemical reaction in which the number of atoms for each element in the reaction and the total charge are not the same for both the reactants and the products. In other words, the mass and the charge are not balanced on both sides of the reaction. This is also called as a unbalanced equation.

What is a balancing equations of chemical reactions?


What is the equations is balanced?

A balanced equation is that equation which obeys the law of conservation of mass.(Added: also the law of conservation of (the kind of) elements should be obeyed).In such an equation the number of atoms for each elementin the reaction and the net or overall charge is same for the reactants and products.

How do you determine a balanced equation?

Check both left and right hand side of equation and if there is equal amounts of atoms (mass), and the charge also balances, then the equation is balanced. It must be balanced for both mass and charge.

What are the important conditions of a balanced ionic equation?

Important conditions for a balanced ionic equation include ensuring the same number of atoms of each element and the same total charge on both sides of the equation. This involves correctly identifying the ions involved in the reaction and adjusting coefficients as needed. Additionally, charges must be conserved to maintain the integrity of the equation.

How do you tell if a equation is balanced?

An equation is balanced when the number of atoms of each element is equal on both sides of the equation. This means that the total mass and charge is conserved. You can check if an equation is balanced by counting the number of atoms of each element on both sides of the equation and adjusting coefficients as needed.

Is a chemical equation balanced when each sum of molecules is the same?

No, a chemical equation is balanced when the number of each type of atom is the same on both sides of the equation. This means that the total mass and charge is conserved in a balanced chemical equation.

What information you get from chemical equation?

From a chemical equation, you can determine the reactants involved in the reaction, the products formed, the stoichiometry of the reaction (molar ratios), and the overall chemical change that occurs. It also provides information on the balance of mass and charge in the reaction.

I do not understand how to figure out the products of reactants such as K3PO4 and HCl?

To figure out the products of the reaction between K3PO4 and HCl, you need to write a balanced chemical equation. In this case, the reaction will form KCl and H3PO4. The balanced chemical equation will be K3PO4 + 3HCl -> 3KCl + H3PO4.