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no. which ever one your guilty of will come back first.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

The results from blood tests for alcohol and drugs can come back at different times based on the processing time needed for each test. Alcohol levels are typically tested more quickly than drug levels, which can take longer due to the need for specific drug screening techniques. It is not unusual for the results to come back at different times.

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Q: When stopped for DUI and they do blood test 2 vials of blood one for alcohol one for drugs should they come back at the same Time?
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Can alcohol bracelets detect drugs?

Alcohol bracelets are designed to monitor alcohol consumption by detecting the presence of ethanol in the wearer's perspiration. They are not designed to detect drugs.

Why is there no scientific measure to see if a person is intoxicated?

There are scientific measures to test for intoxication, such as blood alcohol content (BAC) tests and breathalyzer tests. These tests are commonly used by law enforcement to determine if someone is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. However, there is no universal measure for intoxication because the effects of alcohol and drugs can vary depending on factors like individual tolerance and metabolism.

What is a toxicology blood test?

A toxicology blood test, also known as a toxicology screen, is a test that analyzes blood samples to identify the presence of drugs or alcohol in the body. It is commonly used in emergency medicine, forensic investigations, and workplace drug testing to assess drug use or poisoning.

How does blood get clean?

Blood is constantly filtered and cleaned by the kidneys, which remove waste and excess substances from the bloodstream through urine. Additionally, the liver helps detoxify the blood by breaking down harmful substances like alcohol and drugs. Overall, the circulatory system works to maintain the cleanliness and health of the blood in the body.

What is the main organ for excretion drugs?

The main organ for excreting drugs from the body is the kidneys. They filter out waste and drugs from the blood, which are then excreted in the urine.

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What does Obama think about drugs and alcohol?

i think you should not consider it because if you get caught with drugs or alcohol you will earn time in jail. so i think you should not do drugs or alcohol.

Does chemo drugs affect blood alcohol levels in the body?

no it will just kill you

What type of drugs can cross the blood brain barrier?

Antidepressants, alcohol, cocaine

When combined with alcohol or other depressant drugs the depressant effect of antihistamines can be much?

yes -taken with alcohol or depress. drugs effects will be greater.

How can you pass your Walmart drug test?

You should stay away from Drugs and Alcohol. Walmart will not only test you for Drugs but also alcohol. The test will determine the presence or use of drugs and/or alcohol.

What are 3 drugs in alcohol?

There are no drugs in alcohol.

Can drugs be detected on a breathalyzer?

No, breathalyzers test for the presence of alcohol in a person's breath, not drugs. To detect drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, or opioids, different tests like blood, urine, or saliva tests are used.

Do drugs effect your blood alcohol content?

The only drug that affects your blood alcohol content is alcohol.

In Virginia boaters with the blood alcohol content over what percent are considered operating under the influence?

Virginia law states that a person is considered to be "under the influence" if:He or she is 21 years of age or older and has a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% or higher, or is under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs to a degree which impairs his or her ability to operate safely.He or she is under 21 years of age and has any measurable blood alcohol concentration (0.02% or higher), or is under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs to a degree which impairs his or her ability to operate safely.

How long will drugs be detected in babys blood-cord?

Can they tell when u stopped smoking weed in the cord blood? When the baby was born she checked clean.

What over the counter pain reliever should not be used to treat a hangover?

Tylenol thins your blood just as alcohol does. Putting two drugs into your body that thin your blood is not a good idea Tylenol or acetaminophen can also be hard on the liver like alcohol. It is better to take aspirin or ibuprofen.

How do you get blood alcohol content down?

There is no magic potion that allows you to do drugs and still be sober. Time is the only way to get drugs of any sort out of your system.