A system in equilibrium has all the ingredients (reactants) and yields (products) in the same state as one another. Another form of equilibrium involves solute chemistry when the amount of solute out of solution equals that which is dissolved. Such as system is regarded as equilibrium in saturation.
Equilibrium can be thought of as balance. A system in equilibrium may simply be static with all forces balanced, for instance a see-saw with equal forces on either side so that it stays level. We also speak of dynamic equilibrium, where the overall situation stays the same because processes happening in one direction are balanced out by those happening in the opposite direction. An example of this is a popular restaurant. If it is full, the same people are not there all night, but those leaving are exactly balanced by those arriving.
Your cells are in an isotonic environment.
in closed water bottle system preasure generates due to vaporization of water. but this process of vaporization stopes when equilibrium is acheved for a perticular temperature. but in open bottle system equilibrium is NT acheved and hence vapour preasure can NT be measured.
A chemical equilibrium can only be obtained in a closed system, and is defined by the equal rates of forward and reverse reactions. Consistency of observable and measurable properties usually indicate a reaction has reached equilibrium.
maculae/static equilibrium
when a system is in equilibrium it is stable and all its parts function smoothly
Homeostasis means equilibrium of a system.
There are three types of equilibrium: stable equilibrium, where a system returns to its original state after a disturbance; unstable equilibrium, where a system moves further away from its original state after a disturbance; and neutral equilibrium, where a system remains in its new state after a disturbance.
In a particular time, if the forward and backward reactions of a reversible reactions take place in the same rate, there would be not a visible change (i.e. no net change) in the system, and that system is said to be at equilibrium.
Le Chatelier's principle says that if a system in chemical equilibrium is disturbed, the system will move in such a way as to nullify that change.
Steady state refers to a condition where a system's variables remain constant over time. It is a state of equilibrium where the system's inputs and outputs are balanced, leading to a stable state. In relation to the system's equilibrium, steady state indicates that the system has reached a point where there is no net change in its overall behavior, maintaining a consistent state of balance.
The equilibrium of the system will be upset.
Total amounts of products and reactants are not changing.-- Apex
Le Chatelier principle says, if a restriction is applied to a system in equilibrium, the system adjusts to a new equilibrium that tends to counteract the restriction. When equilibrium is under stress it will shift to relieve that stress. or all concentrations would change.
Stressing an equilibrium system involves changing the conditions of the system to disturb the equilibrium. This can be done by changing the temperature, pressure, or concentration of reactants/products. Stress can be applied by adding or removing reactants/products or changing the temperature or pressure of the system.
equilibrium readjusts itself and a new equilibrium is established
In physics there are two common types of equilibrium: static equilibrium and neutral equilibrium. Equilibrium usually is related to potential energy, for a system to be at equilibrium it must maintain the balance between the two types of mechanical energy: potential and kinetic. The first equilibrium: static means that the system is in a relatively low (relatively means that there could be lower energy but the current states is a local minimum), thus small disturbances to the system will be returned to its original equilibrium. The other type of equilibrium is neutral equilibrium, the relative energies of the system is constant, thus disturbances to the system will move the system but it will remain at the same equilibrium value, and the system makes no effort to return to its original state. Please take a look at the graph for a visualization of these 2 types.