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When enough energy is added to a liquid for it to change to a gas, the liquid has reached its _______________

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Veronica Suárez

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1y ago
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3mo ago

When energy is added to a liquid causing it to change into a gas, it is called vaporization or evaporation. This process involves the liquid molecules gaining enough energy to break free from the attractions holding them together in the liquid phase and transition into the gaseous phase.

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13y ago

The gas is called water vapour.

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Q: When energy is added to a liquid and it changes into a gas it is called?
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As energy is added matter changes from a solid to liquid is called?

melting and from a solid to gas ,as in dry ice, it is sublimating

How are states of matter and changes in energy related?

When thermal energy is added or removed, the state of matter changes to another eg. solid becomes liquid and liquid becomes gas.

What is a change of state in which energy is added as it changes state?

This process is known as melting, where a substance changes from a solid to a liquid state by absorbing energy in the form of heat.

By removing heat what happesn 1. a liquid changes to a solid. 2 a solid changes to a liquid. 3 a liquid changes to a gas. 4. a solid changes to gas?

A liquid changes to a solid when heat is removed, as the molecules lose energy and come together in a more ordered structure. A solid changes to a liquid when heat is applied, causing the molecules to gain energy and break free from their fixed positions. A liquid changes to a gas when heat is added, increasing the molecular motion and allowing them to escape into the vapor phase. A solid changing directly to a gas is called sublimation and occurs when the substance bypasses the liquid phase by gaining enough energy to transition from solid to gas.

How water changes to a gas?

Like all other liquid to gas transitions, liquid water changes to gas: by absorbing energy from its surroundings or by having energy added to it. The molecules in a mass of water will have a distribution of energies, as will the gas above the surface. When a molecule at the surface collides with another molecule of sufficient energy, it can absorb energy from the collision and potentially acquire enough energy to escape from the liquid. If energy is being added to the liquid - as heat or agitation - there are more molecules with sufficient energy to make this happen. Energy can also be added directly to the liquid at the surface in the form radiant energy - such as the sun shining on it. A molecule can absorb this energy directly and thus gain enough energy to escape the surface of the liquid.

What occurs when thermal energy is added to a system?

When thermal energy is added to a system, the temperature of the system increases, causing the particles within the system to move faster. This increase in energy can lead to changes in the physical state of the system, such as melting a solid into a liquid or vaporizing a liquid into a gas.

Why is energy required for phase change?

Energy is required for phase change because it involves breaking or forming intermolecular bonds. When a substance changes from solid to liquid or liquid to gas, energy must be added to overcome the forces holding the molecules together. Similarly, when a substance changes from gas to liquid or liquid to solid, energy is released as the molecules form bonds.

How do you change liquid to gas?

Liquid changes to gas through a process called evaporation, where the molecules in the liquid gain enough energy to overcome the intermolecular forces holding them together. This causes the liquid to turn into vapor and transition to the gaseous state.

What happens if energy is added to a liquid at 20 Celsius?

If energy is added to a liquid at 20 Celsius, the temperature of the liquid will increase. This can lead to a phase change if the added energy is sufficient to raise the liquid's temperature above its boiling point, causing it to vaporize. If the added energy is not enough for a phase change, the increased temperature can affect the liquid's properties such as viscosity.

How is energy involved in state changes?

Energy is involved in state changes as it either needs to be added or removed to break or form intermolecular forces between particles. For example, when a solid transitions to a liquid phase, energy must be added to break the bonds holding the particles together. Conversely, when a gas condenses to a liquid, energy is released as the particles come together and form intermolecular forces.

Does a liquid gain energy or lose energy as it changes from liquid to gas?

They gain energy. For a solid to become a liquid, energy has to be added so that the molecules can break their bond and move freely past each other. Liquids have a higher kinetic energy than a solid.

What is the process in which heat is added to liquid and makes a gas?

The process is called evaporation. Heat is added to a liquid, causing the molecules to gain energy and transition into a gaseous state. Evaporation occurs at the surface of the liquid.