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The red light from strontium compounds and yellow-green light from barium compounds are emitted due to the unique energy levels of electrons in these elements. When heated, electrons in strontium jump to higher energy levels and emit red light when they return to their original positions. In the case of barium, electrons jump to different energy levels and emit yellow-green light upon returning to their ground state.

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Q: When a strontium compound is heated in a flame red light is produced When a barium compound is heated in a flame yellow-green light is produced Explain why these colors are emitted?
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Is Calcium Chloride an element or a compound?

Calcium Chloride is a compound, not an element. It is composed of calcium (Ca) and chloride (Cl) ions bonded together in a fixed ratio.

Can a chiral compound be achiral explain?

No, a chiral compound cannot be achiral. Chirality refers to the presence of a non-superimposable mirror image, which is a defining characteristic of chiral compounds. If a compound is achiral, it means that it has a plane of symmetry and is not chiral.

Can you predict the properties of a compound by knowing the properties of the elements that make up the compound explain your answer?

Yes, you can predict the properties of a compound based on the properties of the elements it is composed of. This is because the properties of a compound are determined by how its constituent elements interact with each other through chemical bonds. For example, if the elements in a compound have high electronegativity, the compound is likely to have polar covalent bonds and exhibit properties like high solubility in water and good conductivity.

Is crude oil a mixture or a compound explain?

Crude oil is a mixture of different hydrocarbons, such as alkanes, cycloalkanes, and aromatics. It is not a compound because it is made up of various individual substances that are physically combined but do not undergo a chemical reaction to form a new substance.

Explain the effect of shift reagent in uv on the molecular deposition of organic compound?

Shift reagents impact the position of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) peaks in a spectrum by interacting with specific functional groups. In UV-Vis spectroscopy, they do not directly influence the molecular deposition of organic compounds. Instead, they affect the electronic structure of the compound under study, leading to changes in the absorption characteristics observed in the UV spectrum.

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