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The oxygen end of the water molecule is attracted to the Na+ ion. This attraction occurs due to the partial negative charge on the oxygen atom of the water molecule and the positive charge on the sodium ion.

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Q: When NaCl dissolves in water which end of the water molecule is attracted to the Na plus?
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What happens on the molecular level when an ionic solid like NaCl dissolves?

When NaCl dissolves in water, the polar water molecules surround the Na+ and Cl- ions. The positive end of the water molecule (-) is attracted to the Cl- ion while the negative end of water molecule (+) is attracted to the Na+ ion. This breaks the ionic bonds between Na+ and Cl- ions and allows them to disperse in the water, resulting in the formation of a NaCl solution.

When NaCl is dissolved in water negative end of the water molecules is attracted towards what?

Ion-dipole attraction dictates that the negative pole of a water molecule will be attracted to the sodium cation and the positive pole of a water molecule will be attracted to the chloride anion.

Is salt a hydrophilic or hydrophobic?

No. Instead, salt is hydrophilic ("water-loving"). Salt (NaCl, or Na+ and Cl-) is very attracted to Water (H20, or H2+ and O-) because opposite electrostatic charges attract. The anionic ("negatively charged") Chlorine end of the salt molecule is attracted to the 2 cationic ("positively charged") Hydrogen ions of the water molecule: Cl- wants H2+. In the same way, the cationic Sodium end is attracted to the anionic Oxygen end: Na+ wants O-. Since each end of the salt molecule is attracted to the reciprocal end of the water molecule, there is a strong overall molecular attraction.

Sodium chloride NaCl dissolves well in water because of?

Sodium chloride (NaCl) dissolves well in water due to its ionic nature. When NaCl is added to water, the polar water molecules surround the Na+ and Cl- ions, pulling them away from the crystal lattice and dispersing them throughout the solution. This process, called hydration, enables NaCl to dissolve easily in water.

Why do ionic compounds dissolves in water?

Many ionic compounds do NOT dissolve in water- such as calcium carbonate. The majority do and that is because the solvation of the ions is energetically favourable in those compounds.

Related questions

What happens on the molecular level when an ionic solid like NaCl dissolves?

When NaCl dissolves in water, the polar water molecules surround the Na+ and Cl- ions. The positive end of the water molecule (-) is attracted to the Cl- ion while the negative end of water molecule (+) is attracted to the Na+ ion. This breaks the ionic bonds between Na+ and Cl- ions and allows them to disperse in the water, resulting in the formation of a NaCl solution.

When NaCl is dissolved in water negative end of the water molecules is attracted towards what?

Ion-dipole attraction dictates that the negative pole of a water molecule will be attracted to the sodium cation and the positive pole of a water molecule will be attracted to the chloride anion.

Why does nacl readily dissolve in water but not in tetrachloromethane?

NaCl dissolves in water because it is an ionic compound. Because of this, when the compound is broken down into ions, the polarity of the water molecules attracts the broken down ions. This allows for the Na+ and Cl- ions to dissolve in the water. NaCl does not dissolve in benzene because benzene is a nonpolar molecule. Because it is nonpolar, the broken down ions will not be attracted to benzene.

When NaCI dissolves in water does it give ions or molecules or both?

When NaCl dissolves in water, it dissociates into its constituent ions, sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl-) ions. This process forms a solution of ions in water rather than individual NaCl molecules.

Is NaCl is soluble in fructose?

Yes, fructose is the most soluble carbohydrate in water.

What is the mass percent of NaCl when 6.5g of NaCl dissolves with 250g of water?

This concentration of NaCl is 2,6 g NaCl/100 mL solution.

Is salt a hydrophilic or hydrophobic?

No. Instead, salt is hydrophilic ("water-loving"). Salt (NaCl, or Na+ and Cl-) is very attracted to Water (H20, or H2+ and O-) because opposite electrostatic charges attract. The anionic ("negatively charged") Chlorine end of the salt molecule is attracted to the 2 cationic ("positively charged") Hydrogen ions of the water molecule: Cl- wants H2+. In the same way, the cationic Sodium end is attracted to the anionic Oxygen end: Na+ wants O-. Since each end of the salt molecule is attracted to the reciprocal end of the water molecule, there is a strong overall molecular attraction.

Which one dissolves in water salt or sand?

Of course, the salt (NaCl)

Does NaCl dissolves in seawater?

Sodium chloride is very soluble in water.

Sodium chloride NaCl dissolves well in water because of?

Sodium chloride (NaCl) dissolves well in water due to its ionic nature. When NaCl is added to water, the polar water molecules surround the Na+ and Cl- ions, pulling them away from the crystal lattice and dispersing them throughout the solution. This process, called hydration, enables NaCl to dissolve easily in water.

What dissolves blood?

A solution of NaCl or common salt in water

What dissolves quicker in water?

Any ionic salts dissolves in water quickly.(Like NaCl, Sodium Chloride) as water is a polar solvent. The salt ionizes in water quickly than sugar.