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Nuclear energy is, primarily, the controlled (or, in a bomb, the uncontrolled) release of binding energy (Strong Atomic Force) in the nucleus of an atom by the process of fission or fusion. All nuclear power plants and the Atomic bomb use fission. The Sun and the Hydrogen bomb use fusion1.

Nuclear chemistry, on the other hand, is the interrelationship between electron fields of various atoms as they interact to form various compounds, releasing and/or absorbing energy as they do so. Instead of the Strong Atomic Force, the electron field participate in the Electromagnetic Force, one of the other three primary forces. (The other two being the Weak Atomic Force, and Gravity.)


1Technically, the Hydrogen bomb also uses fission. It requires so much energy to initiate the fusion reaction that we use an Atomic bomb to set off the Hydrogen bomb.

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Nuclear chemistry involves the study of the chemical and physical properties of elements with unstable nuclei, as well as their reactions and decay processes. On the other hand, nuclear energy refers to the energy produced through nuclear reactions, primarily nuclear fission and fusion, which can be harnessed for various applications such as power generation or weaponry. Nuclear chemistry is a branch of chemistry that focuses on understanding nuclear reactions and their effects, while nuclear energy is the practical application of those reactions to produce power.

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What term describes the tiny difference in mass between the products and reactants of a nuclear change?

The term that describes the tiny difference in mass between the products and reactants of a nuclear change is "mass defect." This difference in mass is converted into energy according to Einstein's famous equation E=mc^2, which explains the principle behind nuclear reactions.

When does chemical energy change into nuclear energy?

Chemical energy does not change into nuclear energy. Chemical energy is associated with the bonds between atoms in molecules, whereas nuclear energy is associated with changes in the nucleus of an atom, such as nuclear fission or fusion.

How is nuclear chemistry used in nuclear bombs?

Nuclear bombs use nuclear fission or fusion reactions to release immense amounts of energy in a short period, resulting in an explosive impact. These reactions rely on the principles of nuclear chemistry to split atoms of heavy elements or fuse lighter elements to release energy. The precise control and manipulation of these nuclear reactions are fundamental to the design and function of nuclear bombs.

What is the potential energy in the nucleus of an atom called?

The potential energy in the nucleus of an atom is called nuclear potential energy. It is the energy associated with the interactions between protons and neutrons within the nucleus, which can be released in nuclear reactions such as fission or fusion.

Where would you find bohrium?

Bohrium is a synthetic element that is not found in nature. It is typically produced in laboratories by bombarding heavy elements with high-energy particles.

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Differentiate nuclear chemistry from other branches of chemistry?

The one difference that nuclear chemistry has from the other branches is its study of the nucleus (core) of the atom. Nuclear chemistry will deal with how the nucleus can split, absorb and release energy as radiation, and decompose to form different elements.

How does nuclear chemistry differ from traditional chemistry?

Traditional chemistry deals mainly with the interaction of elements, compounds, and energy. Nuclear chemistry studies the nucleus of atoms, and how it can split, decompose, and interact with energy.

What is the main difference between between chemical and nuclear energy?

The main difference between chemical and nuclear energy is the source of the energy. Chemical energy is produced through chemical reactions such as burning fossil fuels, while nuclear energy is produced through nuclear reactions in processes like fission or fusion. Nuclear energy generally has a higher energy density and can produce significantly more energy compared to chemical energy sources.

What is nuclear chemistry short answer?

Nuclear chemistry study nuclear materials and elements, isotopes, chemical processes involved in nuclear energy, some radioactivity applications, etc.

What is the difference between physical and nuclear energy?

Physical energy is energy due to motion (kinetic energy) and/or energy due to position or configuration (potential energy). Nuclear energy is due to the destruction of mass.

What is the difference between nuclear weapons and normal weapons?

energy release aka yield

What is the difference between solar geothermal nuclear fossil fuel hydroelectric energy?

they arn't the same type of energy

What is the difference between nuclear reactor and nuclearpower plant?

a nuclear reactor converts binding energy into heat. a nuclear power plant uses a nuclear reactor to generate electricity.

What is one difference between using nuclear energy and biomass energy?

Nuclear energy does not produce carbon dioxide.

What is mass defect associated with?

Mass defect is associated with nuclear reactions and nuclear binding energy. It refers to the difference between the measured mass of an atomic nucleus and the sum of the masses of its individual protons and neutrons. This difference is released as energy when the nucleus is formed.

What is conventional vs nuclear weapons?

Conventional explosives get their energy entirely from chemistry; the outer shell of electrons. Nuclear explosives get their energy from the nucleus. There is lots more energy there.

What are the best slogans on nuclear energy?

Critical mass is the blast! Proud sponcer of the atom bomb